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The lights come back on as the curtain closes. I just sat through two hours of people parading around in pink tutus and tight buns. I wasn't complaining though, because I found a few new prospects during the show.

Iris texted me back almost instantly and we met up and sat together. I guess her roommate was in the show and she wanted to support her by watching it.

I glance at Iris who had looped her arm through mine and flash a toothy smile at her.

"Can we get the hell out of here now?" I whisper to her, causing a smile to appear on her face.

"Yes, I just need to tell Rylee that I won't be back tonight"

I groan and wrap my arms around her waist. "She'll be fine Iris, come on, I have a wine bottle chilling in the fridge at my dorm."

She rolls her eyes in a playful way before she pulls she phone out of her skin tight shorts pocket.

She types something in it for a minute before shoving it back in her pocket and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Now what was that about wine?" She asks with a smirk playing on her lips.

I smile at her and wrap my arm around her shoulders as I lead her out of the stadium and towards my dorm.

It doesn't take long until we're inside, and in the kitchen. I grab out two wine glasses while Iris grabs the wine and pops the cork off.

We fill the glasses to the rim and clink them together before downing it in one gulp.

In my experience wine always seems to get girls drunk faster. And today was no exception. Iris was tipsy after just her first glass.

She sways towards me and giggles as I catch her in my arms. She stands on her tiptoes and slams her lips against mine in a sloppy kiss.

I cup her thighs and carry her to my bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us, before laying her on the bed.

Her legs wrap around my waist and her fingers run through my tousled hair. I move my lips down her neck and to the swell of her breast.

My hand slides up her leg and I unbutton her shorts before sliding them off her legs and tossing them on the ground.

She moans and arches closer to me as I trail kisses down her arm, as I remove her shirt.

Just as i'm about to remove her bra, he phones starts ringing. She shoots up and grabs it before glancing at the screen and putting it to her ear.

What the actual fuck?

"Hey slow down. Ry, I can't understand you, I need you to slow down"

She stumbles off the bed and picks her clothes up off the floor before quickly getting dressed and flashing me a sympathetic look.

"Okay I'm on my way, hang on Ry" she says before pulling the phone away from her ear.

"I'm so sorry Logan, I promise I'll make this up to you, I have to go"


I'm cut off by my bedroom door shutting. Shortly after I hear the front door shut and I'm left alone.

Just fucking great.

I'm by myself with a rock solid cock and nobody to help it.

I groan and flop onto my bed and closing my eyes.

Okay Logan. Think of gross things.







I feel myself relax just enough and my eyes stay shut. I eventually let the darkness take me as I drift off to sleep.


The sun peeking through my curtains woke me the next morning. I groan and roll over on my stomach to bury my face in my pillow, it didn't work.

I throw my pillow across the room and drag myself out of bed. I grab my towel and my Bluetooth speaker before rushing into the bathroom.

That was the worst thing about the dorms. We only had one bathroom, Wilson and I were constantly fighting to be the first one in the shower.

I turn the hot water on and let the steam fill the bathroom before stripping out of my clothes from yesterday and into the water.

The hot water soothed my achy muscles from my workout at the gym, and I loved the feeling of the water hitting my back.

Green Day was blasting through my speaker and I could barely hear Wilson yelling and pounding on the door.

"Give me something that I need, Satisfaction guaranteed to you. What's the consolation prize?"

"Open the fucking door Logan!" Wilson tells as his fist knocks against the wood.

I roll my eyes despite him being on the other side of the door and shut the water off.

I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist before collecting my clothes and phone. I head back into my room and shoulder check Wilson on the way. He glares at me and punches my shoulder in the same spot he did yesterday and this time I couldn't fight the wince.

I swear I'm gonna have a bruise.

I hear the lock click on the bathroom door and an idea pops into my head. I hurry to my room and quickly dry myself before getting dressed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt.

I exit my room and tiptoe past the bathroom, stifling a laugh as I hear Wilson singing along to an old Brittany Spears song.

I make it to the hot water tank, that was located in the closet just off the kitchen. I hear him scream and a loud thud as I turn off the hot water.

"Logan!" He shouts.

I laugh and run back to my room as I listen to Wilson cuss my out.

"You dick I got soap in my fucking eye!"

I hear the bathroom door open and his angry footsteps against the hardwood floor before he's swinging my bedroom door open with a fiery look in his eyes.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" he growls as his hands clench at his sides.

I pinch my lips together as I fight the laughter. His long hair was stuck to his face and his whole body was covered in soap suds.

"You look ridiculous" I joke as I pull out my phone.

"Don't you fucking dare" he says as his eyes narrow even more.

I ignore him and snap a picture of the sight before me.

Wilson growls and starts at me, but is stopped by his phone going off in the other room.

He throws one last death glare my direction before turning on his heel and exiting my room. A few moments later, I can hear him mumbling on the phone.

"What happened Sarah?"

His tone of voice peaked my interest. He never was this serious unless something happened.

His face turns hard as he anxiously runs his hand through his hair.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye and pulls the phone from his ear after telling Sarah to give him a minute.

"Listen man I'm not in the mood right now" he tells me.

"I wasn't going to do anything, you sounded really serious I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

He shakes his head at me.

"A girl from the dance team just tried to kill herself."

I know this ending is dark, but it really plays into the story and character development. There is a warning on the book that states suicide being mentioned. If it bothers you please don't continue to read!

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