chapter three

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Aurora Argent loved Halloween, she had no idea why, but she did. She supposed it had something to do with the fact that it was the one night a year that she could pretend that she was someone else. Someone with a better life than the one that she had growing up. But now, loving Halloween had something more to do with the fact that Beacon Hills thoroughly believed in Mischief Night.

The brunette had a grin spread across her face as she ducked to avoid being hit in the face with a flying roll of toilet paper, she looked to the girl beside her who looked mildly unimpressed with all the chaos that was happening around her causing Rory to sigh and nudge her.

"Come on, Lydia, it's Mischief Night"

Lydia sent her friend a look as the pair entered the Econ classroom, heading over to their seats,
"Mischief Night is just an excuse to vandalise something, it's pathetic"

Rory let out a mock horror gasp,
"I can't believe you just said that"

"It's true" Lydia shrugged before watching her best friend adopt a smirk on her face, the strawberry blonde sighed before tilting her head to the side in curiosity,
"What did you do?"

"What? Me? Nothing" Rory said with an innocent shrug, although the smirk on her face screamed otherwise.

Lydia simply sighed, shaking her head slightly as she looked down at her phone. Rory reached into her bag and procured her sketchbook and a pencil before flicking open to a blank page.

"Son of a bitch!" Coach's loud, angered voice echoed through the classroom from the man's office before he emerged, anger shrewd across his face while glitter sparkled in the tips of his hair,
"Mischief Night. Devil's Night. I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A ma's house is supposed to be his castle. Mine's a freakin omelette!"

All throughout the class, teenagers were snickering, poorly attempting to hide the snickers and laughs behind their hands. Coach turned away from the class and looked at his desk where a small wrapped present laid,
"Oh, this? We're gonna do this again? I don't think so!"

Couch picked up the present and threw it to the ground, stomping on it causing whatever was inside to shatter. Coach frowned before he bent down and ruffled through the mess, finding a small card,
"Happy Birthday. Love, Greenburg"

The class all laughed again before a girl at the front, Dana, frowned and looked at the coach in curiosity,
"Coach, do you have glitter in your hair?"

An angry laugh left the coach's mouth,
"One of you little delinquents, the bucket of glitter above my door - it is never going to come out of my jacket"

Rory simply grinned down at her sketchbook while Lydia glanced over at her, a smirk of her own twitching at her lips, although the pair of best friends didn't really take notice as they were both swatting at the air.

Danny glanced over and frowned at them,
"What are you two doing?"

Rory and Lydia both turned to look at the boy and hissed in response,
"There's a fly"

Rory barely got a moment to walk out of her third period class before Allison attached her hand to the girl's wrist and pulled her to walk with her. Of course, Rory was hardly paying attention, looking down at her drawing that she'd been doing all morning.

"Do you know what this is?" Rory questioned her cousin in curiosity as she showed Allison the sketch.

"No" Allison answered nonchalantly.

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