( 03. ) the feast of starlight

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━━ † the feast of starlight

━━ † the feast of starlight

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"SYPHA," BILBO CALLED THE VAMPIRE'S NAME FOR THE SECOND TIME, but to his dismay, she wasn't paying him one ounce of attention

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"SYPHA," BILBO CALLED THE VAMPIRE'S NAME FOR THE SECOND TIME, but to his dismay, she wasn't paying him one ounce of attention. Her focus was intently directed towards the beautiful blonde ElvenKing himself. Her curious brown eyes followed his every move, watching as he swiftly sat upon his throne, elegantly crossing his legs and propping his elbow upon the wooden armrest.

Thorin was harshly led down the steps, taking his leave from the King's throne. The Elven guards were no doubt taking him to wherever the dungeons resided—which is most likely where the other dwarves were. "Sypha!" Bilbo whisper-yelled, finally grabbing her attention.

"What?" The brunette snapped whilst ripping her gaze from Thranduil and redirecting it towards the hobbit, quite annoyed that she'd been interrupted from the little moment she was having.

"Should we follow? They could lead us right to them," the hobbit said. A soft sigh escaped her strawberry colored lips, her eyes drifting back towards the elf who sat upon his throne. For some odd reason, she didn't want to leave this specific moment in time. If she could have her way, she would blow off the whole mission to save the hobbit's friends and stay right where she was. It was an impulsive feeling, almost like fate—like a prophecy. But, she knew that Bilbo was counting on her, and she couldn't let him down. Huh, or so she thought.

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