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*2 months later*
//Your POV//

It's been two months since Max and I have been seeing each other.

I've been successfully sneaking out to his place, my friends being great at helping covering it up, and allowing us to still be together.

My parents hadn't figured anything out yet.

At least I thought.

It was around 2 in the morning, Max and I just saw a movie and he was driving me home.

"You sure you'll be okay sneaking in?" He asked me, concerned.


"I've taught you well, haven't I?" He smirked, eyeing me at the stop sign before my house.

"Haha okay."

We kissed as he parked in front of my house.

"Goodnight Princess, I'll be seeing you Monday?"

"Yep, Night Max."

"Love you."

"Love you too," I smiled as I softly closed the car door.

He usually stayed and waited in his car until I texted him I was in and safe, so he naturally stayed in his little hidden spot.

He parked behind a large hedge, since my parents aren't complete idiots and installed security cameras, so Max stayed hidden.

I always managed to get in my house without getting seen by the cameras.

Though Tonight was different.

Either tonight I was sloppy and got seen and the motion sensors alerted my mother, or she just knew, because as I walked in through the back door, the kitchen light flashed on, revealing her silhouette.

"Where were you?" She hissed.

"Nowhere I just needed some air," I tried to hide it.

"Oh don't even try to hide it. You were with him, weren't you?"

"Mom, I-"

"This is why we never should have let you off easy, but your father.." She trailed off, "how long?"


"How long have you been seeing him??" She raised her voice, but just quiet enough to not alert my assumingely sleeping father.

"...2 months, but mom, he's not what you think, he's wonderful."

"Hm, Yes, I'm so happy you fell in love with a thug."

"He's not a thug mom..He loves me," I murmured.

"Loves you? Please, Y/n that's demented."

"Mom I-"

"This is why we never should have let you go to that school. My dear, this whole romance that you've made up just proves you're too naive to be there," She put her hand on my shoulder blade.

"Why would he like you, come on now, really?" She circled in front of me.

I stayed silent and glared at my shoes.

She stroked my hair and lifted it, "Look at you, you think he's impressed?"

I was surprised, she was never one to insult me like this.

My mother was normally more subdue, but I have seen her do this to my father.

"Don't be dumb, so just stay with me, and-"

"No!" I cut her off.

Her eyes widened, surprised.

I never talked back, especially to her.

She smirked,

"No? Oh, I see how it is."

I clenched my fist.

"Y/n knows best, Y/n is soooo mature now, such a clever grown-up miss," She snarled and patted my head.

Mom put her hand on my shoulder again, and I tried to shake it off but her grip was too strong.

"Y/n must know best, so fine if you're so sure now, go ahead and give him, this!"

She grabbed my bra strap and pulled it, making the clips snap and her to pull my bra off of me.

"What do you-"

"This is why he's here, don't let him deceive you, give it to him watch and see!"

I realized what she meant.

She was worried about me losing my virginity to him and then him leaving me.

Well this was her wanting to get a reaction from me, and in a fit of rage and hysteria, I shouted back, "I will."

"Trust me, my dear," She snapped, "Thats how fast he'll leave you, and I won't say I told you so! No, YOU know best, so if he's such a dreamboat, go and put him to the test!"

"And I will!" I cried, tears starting to fall from my eyes.

"If he's lying, don't come back crying to me!" She yelled.

I ran out the back doors before she can say another word.

Even after the 20 minutes this lasted, Max was still waiting in his car for the text.

I thanked whatever god was up there that Max loved me enough to stay.

I ran to the passenger door and climbed in.

Before he could say anything, I just said,


The Geek and The Stoner (Max x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant