Only Virgins Catcall-

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//Your POV//

"I'll be out in a second, just wait by the car," Max told me, "and listen to me. There's a lot of creeps around here, so if I were you, I wouldn't talk to any of these redneck hicks."

"Oh, alright."

"I'm serious, Y/n, they'll eat you alive out here," Max warned me.

"Okay, okay, I'll be fine."

I walked out of the diner, hoping for Max to hurry up out of the bathroom.

As I was walking out, I heard something that made my blood curdle.

It was a blink and you'll miss it moment.

A whistle came from a table of guys in a booth by the door, them all looking at me with revolting lust.

You know the kind of whistle.

It was a catcall.

Usually, I'm not a confrontational person but I wouldn't stand for that shit.

Hell. No.

I whipped around, giving he dirtiest look I can muster, "Excuse me? "

"What?" He tried to play dumb.

"Don't try to act like you didn't just whistle at me and you and your buddies weren't staring at me."

"So what? It's not my fault you gotta nice ass," One of the guys snickered, causing the others to belt out laughing.

"Why don't you just get back to the kitchen lil' missy? Get yourself a man like me to set you straight," Another stated.

"You sexist fucker!" I grunted.

"Watch your tone, hunny!" The first guy smirked, "You shouldn't use those pretty lips of those with dirty words."

I'm basically growling at this point because there's innocent children in this diner and possibly some reading this fic, and if so, please run now it only gets worse from here, so I didn't want to say explicit things loud enough.

"Yeah! You should use them to do something's it little more, useful..if you know what I mean~" The first guy snarled.

I was about to snap at him until I heard literally the most threatening voice in my fucking life.

" The hell did you just say to her ? "

Those hillbilly guys looked like they just shit their pants so hard it was hard not to laugh.

I mean, if I were them I'd be scared too.

The man must've said it loud enough for Max to hear just as he got out of the men's restroom, because he said it so loud across the whole diner that everyone went silent.

They stared at him, then me.

And I fucking hate being stared at so yay.

Max literally stomped over next to me, looking like he was going to choke this guy out.

"Y/n, get in the car."

"M-Max, It's alright-"

"Y/N JUST GET IN THE DAMN CAR," He raised his voice.

He was mad, no, angry, not even, he was furious.

I didn't know if he was more mad at the guy for harassing me or me for not listening to him.

By the time Max had climbed into the driver seat, he had blood running down his nose and a solid bruise on his cheek.

I could see through the window of the diner that all 4 of the men were all beat up 10x worse than Max.

He literally just won against a fight of 4 60+ year old men.

What the fuck.

"What did I tell you?" He looked at me, pissed.

"Max, I-"

"Y/n, repeat to me what I fucking told you."

"..don't talk to anyone here."

"That's right. I had a bad feeling, so I told you that. But you didn't listen, and now I just had to do that."

"Max, I'm sorry, but I got mad, He cat called me and I wasn't gonna put up with that!" I argued back.

"Y/n, you could've just ignored them. They're all losers, Y/n. They're all old fucking virgins that have nothing better to do then to prey on teenage girls like you. Only virgins catcall, Y/n!"

"Sure! But you also didn't have to beat them up! Why do you care anyways??"

"..." Max stayed quiet for a second, "What if I wasn't there? What if things got worse? What if they followed you home? What if they did..what if they did..things to you? Y/n, I might not have known you for long, but I'd be damned if I let something like that happen to you. I've heard stories, hell, I grew up in a place where sickos like that always crawled around."

He looked more sincere than angry now, worried, even.

"Believe it or not, I actually do care about you, okay?"

"I care about you too...I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you," I apologized.

Max started to drive, "It's alright, and hey, for a nerd, you put up a good argument."

"Well, words were always stronger than violence for me. Though I see it's the opposite for you," I smiled.

"Har, Har," Max rolled his eyes, "Next stop, my place."




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