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//Max's POV//

"Y/n...who is this boy?" I turned to see Y/n's father at the door way.

I could see the fear in Y/n's eyes.

I decided to just be respectful and speak when spoken to.

"Daddy, I can explain-"

"Who are you?" He asked me in a threatening voice.

"Erm, Max, sir."

"Y/n, what are you doing with this..boy in your room?? How did he get in here?!"

"W-We were hanging out, playing cards and just talking!"

"Pfft, I saw you too kiss. Speak for yourself, boy, how long have you been seeing my daughter?" He turned to me.

"We've only been friends until this point, sir," I answered respectfully.

I tried to keep as calm as I could for Y/n's sake.

I didn't need to loose my temper to this guy.

"So you're more..?"

"I mean, only if Y/n wants to be," I gave her a small smile, her smiling back a little bit.

"Like hell you are."

"D-Daddy, please!" Y/n tried to reason with her dad.

"You are not to see my daughter again! Do I make myself clear?!"

My heart stopped.

Everything just got from 0 to 100.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore, I was going to lose it one way or another.

"Sir, I'm afraid I just can't do that," I spoke up.

"Excuse me?" Her dad snarled.

"I'll never leave Y/n's side, only if it's by her own request," I stood up, taking Y/n's hand.

"Listen to me, you punk, she doesn't need some hood like you!" Her dad pushed me away from him.


"Hood? You better watch what you're saying, bud," I snapped back.

"Max! Calm down!" Y/n looked to me.

Y/n's mom then walked into the room, sleepily unaware of what was going on, "what's with all this noise-"

She was cut off when she saw me, "who's that?"

"Some hoodlum who thinks he can touch my daughter," Mr. L/n hissed.

"I didn't touch her, man! And this 'hoodlum' isn't some sort of gang member either, so maybe you should stop stereotyping me because of how I look!" I yelled back at him.

"Y/n who is this boy?!" Her mom yelled, waking up immediately.

"I love Max, mom, I love him," Y/n started to cry.

"No you don't, sweetie, no you don't. He's tricked you," Her Dad snarled.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"Young man, you better watch your time," Her mom held up her finger.

"I'm just trying to reason here," I put my hand on my chest.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Mr. L/n yelled in my face as he pushed me.

I clenched my fist, wanting to knock this guys teeth out, but I was still trying to hold it together for Y/n.

The Geek and The Stoner (Max x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now