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*1 month later, so you're not punished anymore and you know Max a lot better (yay!)*
//Your POV//

It was 3AM and I still couldn't sleep.

I just couldn't sleep.

I dug my face into the hoodie Max gave me.

It still smelled like him, an odd yet sweet mix of cologne and honey.

I had a feeling he was still up.

I just wanted to talk to him.

I wanted to be with him.

So, I texted him.

(You're in italics and he's in bold)

-hey are you still up?

Not even after 2 minutes he texted me back.

-yeah I'm up.
-what's up?

-nothing much.
-I just can't sleep



-maybe we can video chat, only if you can?

I smiled at the phone like a dork.

-let me get my earbuds

After I found my earbuds and put them in, I called him.

He answered on the first ring, and I finally got to see his cute face.

I mean whaaaat-

"Hey, Max."

"Good evening, hermosa."

It was silent for a little bit, awkward.

"Is that my old sweatshirt I see?" He smirked.

This is the first time he's seen me wear it since he gave it to me, probably because I only really wear it for bed.

"Uh..yeah. It's comfy."

"It looks so adorable on you, girly."

"Thanks.." I felt my face get warm.

"You're blushing, cutie."


The sleeve of the sweatshirt started to slip off of my shoulder, showing it and part of my chest, which I can tell Max instantly noticed.

"Oh? Are you giving me a show too, chica bonita?"

I hastily fixed my sleeve, causing him to laugh.

I think he somehow knows I'm not wearing anything but my underwear under this-

"How cute," He snickered, "I wish I was there."

"What would we even do?" I rolled my eyes.

"We would probably just lay down, maybe watch some Netflix, and just chill."

"...that was on purpose wasn't it?"


"So, nerd girl, why can't you sleep?"

"I don't know, I just can't."

"Hmm..maybe you would sleep better if I was..holding you?"

"Pfft, sure."

The Geek and The Stoner (Max x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum