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Their dry lips quickly melted together as they met for the nth time that day. Both boys immediately opened their mouths, wasting no time in bringing their tongues together. The little bit of saliva they had left in their mouths mixed, only to be spread out across the inside of their mouths a second later.

Jisung ran a hand through Minho's brown hair, tilting Minho's head up a bit to access the upper part of his mouth easier with his tongue. Minho stroked Jisung's thighs in return, giving them both a solid squeeze each. Jisung breathed out through his nose, his hot breath hitting Minho's cheek.

The two pulled away from the messy kiss, panting lightly against each other as their hands and bodies stayed in position.

"I hope you know this is not how people normally kiss. This is only because of the circumstances." Minho joked earning a breathy laugh from Jisung.

"Only because of the circumstances? So if we weren't stranded on a surfboard you wouldn't be kissing me just now, is that what you're saying?" Jisung teased, giving Minho's lips a soft peck.

"I never said that." Minho mumbled while grinning sheepishly.

Minho placed a lingring peck onto Jisung's lips, loving the tingling feeling that followed each kiss he shared with the younger.

"Why don't you show me what a proper kiss is then?" Jisung seductively said, moving his right hand to stroke Minho's cheek.

The elder breathed out a small laugh, raising an eyebrow at the suggestion.

"Try to follow my lead, baby boy." Minho said in a deep voice, making Jisung shiver.

The elder placed his lips onto Jisung's again, feeling the younger move his hand back to his neck to play with his hair.

This time there was no roaming each others mouths with their tongues to spread their saliva. This time there was no moving their heads around for better access to the hard spots.

It was calm. Just two pairs of soft lips, dancing on top of each other. Two pairs of hands caressing each other's bodies, softly.

Minho's hand ran up and down Jisung's thigh, giving it small squeezes from time to time, while his other hand rested on Jisung's lower back. Jisung's thighs rested on top of Minho's, as he slowly lifted his feet up from the water to wrap his legs around Minho's waist. The younger's hands were busy playing with the hair in the back of Minho's neck, making the boy shiver.

Minho softly bit down onto Jisung's bottom lip while stroking the upper part of his inner tigh. A soft breathy moan drew from Jisung's mouth before granting the elder access.

Jisung's tongue met Minho's halfway in, making the elder fight for access to his insides. Jisung eventually gave in, and let Minho's tongue in. The younger expected Minho to explore his mouth, but instead Minho started softly licking Jisung's tongue, as if asking it to dance together with his own.

Jisung hesitantly responded, not sure of what he was supposed to do in this kind of situation. A small vibrant laugh escaped Minho. Jisung whined softly, embarrassed that Minho was laughing at his inexperience with kissing.

Jisung pulled away and hid away in Minho's shoulder. Minho couldn't help but laughing at Jisung's embarrassment as he pulled the younger closer. Jisung hit Minho's shoulder repeatedly with his fist to stop his laughter, but it didn't help as his laughing only increased.

Minho kissed Jisung's head, before leaning his own up against Jisung's mop of hair. He closed his eyes for a moment, just enjoying having Jisung in his arms.

Jisung pulled out of the hug, moving his hands to tame his messy hair a bit. Minho just enjoyed the view, while holding both sides of Jisung's waist loosely in his hands.

Jisung pulled his hood over his head, giving up on his hair. Astray strands of hair was still sticking out of his hood, making him look adorable to the elder. Jisung sighed and looked out across the scenery. The ocean was a dark shade of blue, and the night sky was decorated with stars. Jisung smiled, thinking about his best friend as his eyes traveled across the night sky.

It pained him that he would never get to see his friends again. He'd never get to hear their angelic laughs. Participate in their playful arguments about the most random topics. He'd never get to yell at Seungmin and Hyunjin for making out in front of him, with Felix by his side - throwing in comments about keeping it pg13.

"I'm gonna miss them." Jisung whispered, never letting his eyes leave the sky.

Minho leaned in and kissed Jisung's cheek softly.

"I know.... Me too." The elder answered.

Minho placed his forehead against the side of Jisung's head, making his nose rest against his chubby cheek. The elder closed his eyes and sighed. He slowly rocked Jisung back and forth in his arms, just trying to make the most of their last hours on earth. He wanted Jisung to know he was loved and appreciated until his very last breath was released.

Jisung continued to look out across the scenery, not caring that Minho's head was resting against his. He just needed silence to think for a moment. The fact that Minho seemed to understand that, and kept silent for the time being, made Jisung smiled softly as his eyes counted all the constellations he could find.

"God I wish I could tell them that I love them so fucking much, just one last time." Jisung whispered, making Minho smile.

"....I'm sorry." Minho whispered back.

Jisung turned his head to the front again, making Minho pull away from him, his eyes casting downwards. Jisung cupped both Minho's cheeks with his hands, forcing their eyes to meet.

"What are you sorry for?" Jisung silently asked.

"I'm sorry your life has to end like this. You shouldn't have to die this young." Minho answered.

Jisung frowned a bit, trying to look for something in Minho's blank expression - anything.

"What about your life? Don't you care about your own life?" Jisung asked.

"My life isn't as important to me as yours. If there was a way I could get you to safety, I'd do it without having to even think about it - no matter the prize." Minho answered, his hands moving to hug Jisung.

Jisung froze at this, going speechless for a second.

"I- Minho, your life matters too. It might not matter to you, but it matters to me, and so many others.

Minho and Jisung both stared deeply into the other's eyes. The night sky reflected in their eyes, making them so much deeper than they had ever been before.

Minho slowly leaned in, capturing Jisung's lips in a slow, sensual and emotional kiss. The younger moved his hands to Minho's neck, holding it softly as he replied to the emotions Minho was putting into his mouth.

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