Where did you go?

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Mew is currently driving back to their apartment with Gulf in the passenger seat.Mew looks across worried whilst thinking about the event of tonight.Luckily Gulf is already asleep and can't see Mew's face.He would feel really guilty about making Mew worried.
Gently,Mew placed his hand on the younger's head and felt his fever growing heavier by the minute.Thankfully the doctor had warned him about this
"I have prescribed some medicine for Gulf so make sure he takes it and gets plenty of rest once you get home"
"Ok Doctor, thank you so much"Mew replied to the Doctor
"Oh yeah just a little word of warning,this medicine will rapidly change his body temperature over the next week so please be careful and watch over him"
"Ok I will"Mew thanked the Doctor again and quickly went back over to Gulf to take him home
End of Flashback
Mew realised what the fever meant and immediately began driving home faster knowing that he can't do anything to reduce his fever until they get home.
After arriving at their apartment complex and parking the car, Mew carefully make his way out of the car and opens Gulfs door.After softly shaking Gulf a few times,he begins to wake up and attempts to get out of the car only to fall on to floor as his knees buckle with no strength present.
Alarmed, Mew immediately moves closer to Gulf and places one arm around his shoulders and the other underneath his knees to raise him up into his arms.Gulf was shivering again and complaining of how tried he felt. Mew carries his Boyfriend,who fell asleep as soon as he was comfortable in mew's arms, up to their room on the 5th floor and gently places Gulf on the bed.

After covering Gulf up with a blanket,Mew takes the tub of previously cold water and refills it once again taking a towel and placing it over Gulf forehead to lessen the fever.Then Mew takes another towel and lightly rubs over Gulfs body after taking off his clothes leaving the younger only in his boxers.After an hour of this,Gulf's Fever began to subside for now and Mew took this as an opportunity to look closely at Gulf thinking to himself how much it hurts to see him this way.
"It feels my heart is ripped out of my chest every time I see the frown of pain on his face"
"He needs to get well soon. I hate seeing him this way"
Slowly Mew brushes the hairs out of his boyfriends face to see him clearly
"I love you Gulf get well soon"
Moments later Mew is sleeping upright on the edge of the bed carefully grasping Gulf's pale soft hands.
At 7am Gulf wakes up to the sound of his alarm and moans realising how he forgot to turn it off. Cautiously, Gulf removes his hand from his boyfriends grasp and softly places a kiss on his cheek fully aware that what he is about to do is going to worry him. After taking a moment to stare at his beautiful man face that is covered in concern and is slightly pale due to a lack of sleep.
Gulf gets out of the bed,legs shaking as he begins to put pressure of them to walk
He reminds himself "it's only till lunchtime I simply cannot miss the football teams meeting after class"
The university football team is in the regional finals and the match is next week so they need Gulf as he is the one who comes up with the strategies along with Singto.
After writing a note to Mew,Gulf quietly opens the door to the apartment and leaves to call a taxi to take him to campus.After stumbling over to his first class with his legs giving way after few steps,Gulf finally sits down in his seat and relaxes. Class starts 10 minutes later and Gulf cannot focus at all due the headache he feels. Once he begins to feel dizzy and black spots are start to appear in his vision Gulf places his head on the desk hoping the it would go away.1 hours later,the professor leaves and Gulf immediately leaves to go to the football club walking while holding the wall for support.After arriving at the football club room,Gulf turns his head towards Singto who is currently watching the videos of their next opponents previous matches trying to find their weakness while waiting for the rest of the members to arrive. Singto looks up at Gulf with concern after seeing his pale face that is white as a sheet and he is soaked in sweat.
"Gulf,are you okay" Singto asks his face laced in unease
"Yeah.......I'm fine"Gulf replies in between his coughs
Not believing Gulf's answer, Singto makes his way over to his best friend feeling his forehead and panicking
"Gulf, your burning up"
"Here sit down I'm calling Mew"Singto states
"No please don't I don't want him to worry"
"He spent the whole night up trying to bring down my fever and finally fell asleep around 6:30"
"I don't want to wake him up not yet"Gulf says quickly trying to persuade his friend to listen to him
"Ok I won't call him for now but you are going to do what I say"
"Ok as long as you don't call Mew"
First Singto put a thermometer into Gulf's mouth to read his temperature.It showed it was 39.8 degrees Celsius.
The older's mouth shot open and worry was immediately edged into his face.
When Gulf saw this is he instantly rose to tell Singto he was ok
"I'm ok, don't worry" Gulf said trying to calm Singto down
"No,your not I'm taking you home" Singto sighed trying to get Gulf to listen
"Please Gulf please"Singto begged
"Ok I'll listen to you but only take me home and please don't wake up Mew"
Hearing this Singto relaxed slightly until he saw Gulf looking unsteady on his feet.
The black spots in Gulf's vision began to expand until he saw nothing but black and felt himself falling down.Then He Passed Out.

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