Chapter 1: I can't hide it anymore

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Naruto slammed his alarm clock not wanting to wake up. He remembered his nightmare and his heart was heavy. He lay there in his bed as he thought about his life.

"Crap I'm gonna be late!" he said. He got up and started getting ready to go to the academy. It wasn't easy at all especially with all the cuts and bruises that he had.

Naruto grabbed a cup of instant ramen and also boiled some water. He looked at the clock, 8:50 he was definitely late. He prepared his ramen and ate it quickly. He then stood in front of the mirror and flashed a smile.

"Today I'm gonna beat Sasuke till he begs on his knees. And the Sakura will finally see that I'm way better than him." Naruto said to himself. 'And about that dream I had well.....whatever. I can't remember if it really was Sasuke' he thought.

Naruto looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had messy uncombed blonde hair, dull blue eyes full of pain and a frail body. Despite this he grinned and said "Alright let's go!"

Naruto began to walk towards the academy. As he walked the villagers steered away from him and gave him dirty looks. Naruto was used to it by now, it was something he had dealt with all his life. But it still hurt his feelings when people did that. 'Why?' he thought. 'Why do they hate me so much? All I want is to be appreciated for once in my life. Everyone treats me like a freak and like a nuisance. What did I ever do to deserve all of this?'

As he was lost in his thought he accidentally bumped into a woman who was carrying a baby in her arms. "I'm sorry...." Naruto began but as soon as he had said that the woman pushed Naruto away. "Get away from me you monster!" she shouted holding her baby close to her. Naruto fell on the ground hard and his butt really hurt. The woman gave him a dirty look and said "Demon brat! You shouldn't be allowed to live in this village." Having said that she went on her way. None of the villagers did anything. Even without looking Naruto knew they were all giving him dirty looks and whispering. Slowly he picked himself up and forced a gulp to suppress his tears. He ran towards the academy knowing he was probably extremely late.


Naruto opened the door and entered the classroom. He was waiting for Iruka Sensei to scold him for being late.

"Naruto. Late again?" Iruka sighed.

At this point Naruto would use his harem jutsu and Iruka sensei would get a nosebleed. Then Naruto would laugh along with the class. But today he did something surprisingly strange. "I'm really sorry Iruka sensei. I kinda overslept but I'll try not to be late again' he said in a low voice his head hanging low.

Everyone was shocked at Naruto's behavior. The whole class was stunned. Naruto was never the obedient type. And he never said sorry unless he was asked to.

Naruto quietly made his way towards his seat and dropped his bag. Sakura looked confused and wondered why Naruto was ignoring her and not trying to impress her. The others were also curious. Even Akamaru was looking at Naruto perplexed by his behavior.

Iruka continued the lesson. For the first time the class was extremely silent, Naruto sat at his table his eyes clearly indicating that he was depressed. Iruka looked at him and worried something might've happened to him.

Naruto couldn't pay attention at all. He couldn't hide his pain, fear, anxiety and depression anymore. He just wanted to go home, sit in his bed and cry.

Suddenly, he felt and saw someone staring at him. He turned around to see Sasuke staring at him looking curious but also concerned.

Their eyes clashed and Naruto's eyes widened. For some reason he felt his heart trying to jump out of his chest. 'What the?...' Naruto thought.

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