Chapter 1

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After the Glades fell and Tommy died, Oliver left without saying a word to his beloved, Astrid, or to his sister, Thea. Weeks went by with no word on where Oliver could be. Felicity, Diggle, Thea, and Astrid searched tirelessly in order to find Oliver. During that long first week, Astrid found out she was pregnant with Oliver's child.

"Astrid you alright?" Dig asks one morning a week later.

"No Dig. Your the first to know, but I've got a kid on the way," Astrid reveals.

Dig looks absolutely shocked.

"Does Oliver know?" He asks.

"No. I just found out a week ago. We need to bring Ollie home Dig," Astrid exclaims.

"And we will. Call your dad and talk to him," Dig whispers.

Astrid nods and Dig walks out of Astrid's office at Queen Industries. He heads to the lair, where he finds Thea and Felicity at work.

"How's Astrid?"

"Hanging in there. Oliver is officially our top priority. Astrid's pregnant," Dig reveals.

"We'll find him. Astrid's relying on us," Felicity exclaims.

Dig and Thea nod and they get to work. Back at the office, Astrid video calls her father, Bruce Wayne.

"Hey daddy," Astrid greets.

"Hey. How are you?" Bruce asks.

"I could be better. I got some news for you," Astrid replies.

"What is it?" Bruce asks.

"Your becoming a grandfather," Astrid reveals.

Bruce's face lights up as he hears the news.

"And Oliver?" Bruce asks.

"He's missing. We're looking for him, but we need help," Astrid replies.

"Jason and Tim will be there soon. I love you sunshine," Bruce says.

"I love you too bat dad," Astrid teases.

Bruce chuckles and he hangs up. A few hours later, Jason and Tim walk in with their duffles.

"Hey sis," they greet.

"Hey J-Bird. Hey Timmy. Have a seat, I'm almost done for the day," Astrid reveals.

"We don't mind. We heard about Oliver. Any way we can help?" Jason asks.

"Just be here with me," Astrid replies.

"Anytime. Dick called," Jason says.

"How's he doing in Blüdhaven?" Astrid asks as she's signing and reviewing the company reports.

"He's doing well. Blüdhaven P.D. is lucky to have him," Jason replies.

Astrid smiles and she finishes up. She turns her monitors off and she, Jason, and Tim head to the house.

"Thea? I'm home," Astrid greets.

"Astrid! How's the little one?" Thea asks.

"No idea. Jase. Tim. I got some good new. Your becoming uncles," Astrid reveals.

Jason goes wide eyed and he hugs Astrid.

"Your serious?" Tim asks.

Astrid nods with tears building in her eyes.

Months later, Astrid delivers a beautiful baby girl.

"Freya Andreà Martha Wayne-Queen," Astrid breaths out as she holds her baby girl for the first time.

"You did good little sister," Dick sighs.

"Thank you Dick," Astrid replies.

Dick smiles and Felicity, Dig, and Laurel walk in.

"Oh Ash she's beautiful," Laurel whispers.

"Thank you Laurel. Freya Andreà Martha Wayne-Queen. Welcome to the world princess," Astrid exclaims.

Dig smiles and he says, "We found Oliver."

"Where?" Astrid asks as if the temperature drops 10 degrees in the room.

"Lian Yu. Lyla found him," Dig replies.

Astrid and Dick share a look. Dick nods and Astrid says, "Bring him home. By any means necessary."

Dick nods and he, Dig, and Felicity leave for Lian Yu.

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