ch 1: cheat

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"Oh my god, I'm so tired." Taehyung complained.

"We were out all night!" Jimin added. 

"I know. I'm probably gonna take a nap in a minute, and say hi to Namjoon because he's leaving to get ready for the wedding soon." Jungkook responded.

"I still can't believe you're getting married tomorrow." Jimin said. 

"I can't either. I'm so fucking excited." The three of them made their way out of Jungkook's car and towards the door. "Do you think Namjoon is just as excited as I am?"

"Of course he is." Taehyung responded. Jungkook smiled and reached for his keys and unlocked the door. The three of them walked into the house. It didn't take them long to get to the living room, where they stood in shock. 

There Namjoon was, cuddled up and sleeping on the couch with someone else. Someone who wasn't Jungkook. The day before his wedding.

"Oh my god." Jimin whispered. He looked over at Jungkook, who was clearly struggling to process what was going on. 

"N-no." Jungkook managed to speak. "N-Namjoon, No." He was quiet, but Namjoon seemed to be waking up. 

"H-huh?" he mumbled, not yet realizing that he had been caught. 

"Namjoon?" Jungkook said a little louder this time, and with tears streaming down his face. Namjoon sat up, and realized that Jungkook had seen everything. 

"Jungkook, I swear it's not-"

"No, Namjoon. How dare you?" By then, the other man next to Namjoon sat up. He scanned the area and locked eyes with Taehyung, who was in almost as much shock as Jungkook was.

"Y-yoongi? Is that you?" Taehyung asked.

"It is, Tae." Yoongi and Taehyung's exchange didn't distract Jungkook from what else was going on. 

"Namjoon, who is this? What are you doing? How could you- We were supposed to get married TOMORROW!" Jungkook fumed.

"No, Kooks, we still can. We can still get married."

"No, Namjoon, we can't. The wedding is off. I want you out of this house. Right. Now." Jungkook demanded. Yoongi began to process what was going on around him.

"Namjoon never told me-" Yoongi began.

"That he was engaged and getting married tomorrow?" Jungkook finished Yoongi's sentence.

"Yeah, that. I'm uh- sorry."

"Do you know him at all?"

"I used to. We were friends in high school for a year or so. He messaged me randomly the other day on social media. I've been lonely lately because I- I messed up bad with my ex-husband, and I figured why not come over? I'm still so so sorry. I should probably leave." Yoongi explained. 

"Wait, Yoongi, don't leave." Taehyung interrupted. "Hi."

"Hi." Yoongi responded. "I haven't seen you in almost seven years."

"You know each other?" Jungkook said through his tears, which were still falling. 

"We do." Taehyung began. "He helped me fro two years while I was dead... We also.. dated for those two years." Taehyung turned to Yoongi. "And I had no idea that you would get married."

"I adopted a kid I wasn't ready for too. That's the main reason he divorced me. Like I said, I messed up... I do admit that I miss my daughter though." Yoongi turned to Jungkook. "So- uh- what's your name?"

"J-jeon Jungkook. I would have been K-kim Jungkook tomorrow, but those plans were cancelled."

"I'm Min Yoongi, always have been. My ex-husband took my last name. He used to be Min Seokjin."

"I recognize t-that name. S-seokjin."

"Oh, do you?"

"Yeah. I do."

"Do you know someone named that?"

"I do, but he goes by Jin."

"My ex went by that too.. does he have a daughter named Jiwoo?"

"He does. She's three. Are you.. his ex-husband?"

"I think I am." 

"You bitch." Jungkook slapped Yoongi in the face. "I'd be yelling at you for hurting my friend if I wasn't so.. hurt right now. You're lucky."

"And you're not."


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