4-11-19 part 1

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I was calmly staring into the heavens wondering why I was still here my temple was trashed the once beautiful silver insides now had ivy growing up the walls and the once beautiful galaxy ceiling had chunks of it missing and paint chipped with age. There was a glorious fish pond with many species living in harmony now was barren. I interrupted my thoughts as I heard the distinct sound of footsteps coming in my direction I watched as a mortal male came into the clearing where my temple was located. He seemed to be shocked to locate anything this deep in the woods his shock was short-lived, however, when he took in the place's damage he had stumbled upon "wow this place's wreaked" he said inspecting everything, walking inside the temple after looking at the fishpond for a bit. I was curious about this person so I followed him inside. Floating down to the ground and walking inside I watched him looking around inspecting the area until his eyes caught sight of the celling his eyes widened at the sight of it. I wonder what he's thinking about suddenly he turned around with a determined look in his eyes and said while looking me straight in the eyes "I will fix this place up for you" I sat there shocked as he made his way around me turning around he said "well see you tomorrow" then he headed back down the path. Turning around and watching him go, I wondered if he would stay 

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