Finding polyamorous love part 1

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'It's too loud in here' I thought as I traveled through the crowded hallways of my high school. I was looking at my book when suddenly my books were pushed out of my hands scattering around the hall "ha nerd" my bully's said as they walked away. Sighing, I stooped down and started to pick up my books. I went to get the last book when suddenly a hand brushed up against mine. Looking up I saw one of the most handsome man I have ever seen. His blonde curls framing his face with his broadway theatre shirt and his crystal clear blue eyes reaching his hand out to me. Grabbing his hand and standing up, he held out my book "I saw what those guys did and thought I should help. I'm Louis what's your name?" he said with a smile "my name is Harper, it's nice to meet you. You're in the musical right?" I said as I take my books back "yep" he said "I'm the lead. We have the first female lead but we are still looking for a second female lead" "that's amazing what's the story about?" "it's the story of the three leads in a polyamorous relationship and how they came together and how they work through challenges together," he said excitement filling his eyes "oh by the way what is your first block?" "theatre" "cool that's my first block to. Can I walk with you?" "yes you can," I said, a blush spreading across my cheeks. We walked to class talking and laughing, getting inside of the classroom I waved to Louis and went to my seat. Sitting down I thought about my encounter with Louis BRING the bell rang startling me out of my thoughts out of the corner of my eye I see my teacher walk-in "good morning class" "good morning Mrs. Snow" "today we are starting the duo drama pieces with a catch I choose your partners" the whole class let out a collective groan "also I am still searching for the last female lead so make sure you do your best. Alright," the class collectively nodded "when I call you and your partner names one of you has to come up here to get your pieces and the other find a space to practice Harper and Jane....." I looked over to my partner and froze 'wow' I thought she's gorgeous her long wavy red hair tied back into a messy bun with an outfit that suggested she did a lot of sports and she had chocolaty brown eyes every time I look into them I feel like I'm drawn into a sirens spell "earth to Harper" I jolt at the noise realizing that Jane was standing right in front of me "oh sorry I got lost in thought" I said as an embarrassed blush spread across my face "that's okay let's work on our piece" "yeah lets"

                                                                                 20 minutes later

"Okay class times up do I have any volunteers to go up first" Jane and I raised our hands along with Louis and his partner "Jane and Harper why don't you go first then we will have Louis and his partner go" Jane and I walked onto the stage and performed our piece the silence that followed us finishing our performances was deafening 'everyone's staring at me' I thought as my anxiety gets the better of me "you" turning towards Mr.s Snow I said "me?" "yes, you! You are our last lead" Mr. Snow and the class clapped "can't wait to work with you" turning towards the noise seeing that both Louis and Jane standing there. I had only one thought about this whole thing 'oh dear'.  

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