random writing prompt #9

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"I'm worried," said India. Her brow creased with worry as she talked with her friend. The panic in her eyes ever-present "she's just been so distant. I'm just scared she has gotten over me" her friend gave a worried look down to her phone before smiling back up when they got a notification they wanted "no I don't expect she would do that," they said "because if she did I will kick her butt" India laughed while gathering her stuff "you're right. Well, it's time for me to head home." India said a hint of sadness to their voice "catch you later" India stated while turning around to go not even letting her friend say anything to her as she walked home tears prickled at the back of her eyes as all the self-loathing thoughts filled her head like a plague as she crossed the street into her neighborhood. 'She doesn't care' 'she doesn't love you' 'your not worth her time' tears sprang to the front of her eyes as she reached the front door of her and her lover's apartment. 'She should be home by now' India considered as she went to open the door "SURPRISE" a mighty shout sounded from all around her. She jumped in surprise only to gasp at the scene in front of her. From where she stood she noticed two tables one filled to the brim with all kinds of party food the other filled with presents of all shapes and sizes. Standing around all the tables were family and friends with smiles on their faces and standing right in the middle was Anastasia smiling at me. She walked up to me and said "happy birthday honey" "is this why you have been so secretive" India said with tears in her eyes "yes so come on let's wipe those tears away and enjoy your birthday party ok?" she said "ok" India said

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