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Clark Robert was a 26-year-old guardian angel sent to look after a 3-year-old. He thought it would be easy but nope he was wrong "a three-year-old is can get into a lot of trouble Clark," said the assignor but he didn't listen and now he wished he had the three-year-old in question had somehow gotten himself on the edge of a cliff and was getting dangerously close to the edge "oh shoot what am I going to do the kid will get themselves killed" I looked around me only to spot a candy cart. I quickly nabbed a lollypop "hey Lank you want a lollypop" I said shaking the lollypop to the child once I had gotten his attention Lark stared at me for a little before walking over to me and reaching for the lollypop. Signing as I picked him up and gave him the lollypop "what am I going to do with you" I said as we started walking home the only response I got was energetic giggling from a sugar high toddler "oh boy".

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