4-11-19 part 2

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Over the course of a few days, the man came back, and they cleaned the fish pond and made some flower beds on the side of my temple. On one day he came, I walked up to him while he was cleaning the fish pond "why are you doing this?" I asked as he put his tools down and turned to face me "because I like you and I want this place to shine like your beauty" he said a glint of mischief in his eyes "you realize that I'm a goddess right? I could curse you to haunt the world for eternity" I said, "so you are the goddess of the spirit world aren't you." "yes I am," I said with a bit of laugh to my voice "what's your name my name is Adam," he said as a smile on his face as he stuck out his hand for me to shake "Sia my name is Sia," I said as I went to reciprocate the handshake only to have my hand phase right through his "oh," Adam said as he drew his hand back "that's ok we can just talk! Is that ok?" "ya," I said, a small smile on my face. Over the course of two months, we continued to talk while he refurbished the place. Over those months I had fallen in love and I plan to tell him today because he was finishing the last part of the roof as he was finishing the last part of the roof I walked to him saying "hey can I talk to you for a bit" "yea" he said setting down his tools "of this might sound crazy but I'm deeply in love with you" I said looking at his face he looked shocked 'oh god he doesn't love me' "wow I didn't think you thought the same" Adam said a blush covering his face "you love me too?" I said giving him a hopeful look "yeah I do! But how can we be together I can't even kiss you" Adam said "you want to kiss me," I said a blush rising to my face "yes," Adam said "well I could try to cross over to your dimension plane to be with you," I said as I looked over to my lover "yeah that sounds solid," Adam said stepping back to give me room. I took a deep breath in and out and pushed at the barrier between my world and his as I started to break through a thunderstorm started inside of the temple "Sia!" Adam said in a worried tone of voice as the storm got stronger. Finally, I had gotten minutes away from breaking the barrier when suddenly lighting struck down startling me out of concentration "wow that was a close call right, Adam..... Adam?" I looked over to him and froze in horror Adam's body was violently burned with his hair fringed he fell so I tried to catch him but his body fazed right through me "what have I done!" I yelled as I dropped to my knees crying for my lost love when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder "hey, honey don't cry I'm right here" sharply turning I gaped as I come face to face with Adam "what happened to you. You look so godlike" I said staring at my boyfriend who now looks like a god who walked straight out of Greek mythology "well I died" I flinched when he said that "than a bright light engulfed me and now I'm here," he said a smile crossing his face "you became a god" I whispered "what?" "you became a god," I said louder "do you know what this means" I shouted jumping around in my excitement looking over at Adam I saw him think it through then state "I have become a god. And if I am here then I share your position as ruler of the spirits right?" "yes, that's right." "well this is awesome and.." "is there something wrong?" I said worry edged in my voice "I just realized that I can kiss you now!" Adam's declaration was the only warning I got before his lips were on mine in a passionate kiss. After a bit, we pulled away breathless Adam stated "well are you ready to spend the rest of eternity with me" I smile staring at his eyes grabbing his hands and said "yes yes I am"  

one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora