Septagons battle

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After the incident Blue looked at Ci with a angry expression. "She will pay for what she caused" Ci reminded Blue that there plan is to find the second tree piece. "I know that... it's just she needs to pay" said Blue quietly. After some talking to each other about what to do next, Ci instantly told Cube and Blue that a C.shape is near. Cube tried to summon her bubble shield but couldn't because she got hit by the corruption. So Blue summons his shield and told Cube to stay behind him. Ci closed his eyes, took a breath in. He reopened his eyes to appear pink, he looked around and told Blue that she is hiding behind a boulder that was a couple of meters in front of them. So blue threw a laser beam to which was able to break the rock in half revealing Septagon. She chuckles. "You found me!! Congratulations!!" "Enough of the jokes bitch!! We're is the second piece" yelled Ci. "Oh feisty, well I do have the second tree piece actually But it's hidden" said Sep in a cheerful tone. "If you win then you get your piece, but if I win... well then just expect all of you dead" said Sep in cold tone. The ground began to shake, they saw Sep beginning to rise the lava pushing them up through the top of the volcano. During that they had to dodge bullets while protecting Cube. When they reach the top they climbed were the second tree piece was at. They saw another level next to the piece. Blue and Ci looked at each other knowing what they have to do. Blue told Cube to hide somewhere. She nods, and starts running to find a place to hide nearby. Both Blue and Ci climbed in, but quickly notices Septagon entering the level as well. When they entered they saw Septagon just floating and doing nothing. Until Blue and Ci heard music starting. They looked at Septagon to which she quickly got a hit on Ci. "Fight me!! I'm not scared of some low life hero's!!! I'll kill you both!! You heard me!! I'll kill you and Cube and make the boss proud!" The fight begins.

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