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Cube and Blue already finished talking about there plan. Both looked at each other and nods. Blue walks in first while Cube following Blue behind. The cave was so dark that Cube had to summon a light source, Blue told Cube to stop and to make no sounds. "Why?" Cube whispered. "I can sense a corrupted shape near us, stay alerted." Whispered Blue. Blue summons his shield and both started to walk slowly until they see a pink light glowing. "There!" Pointed Blue. Bothe reaches the end of the tunnel to see a huge open space we're the pink glow was at. Cube also summons her shield for extra protection. While closer look the shape has a triangle head and a Black robe going down to its knees. Also the shape is surround by snake like creatures. To which some of them are on the C.shape. (C.shape means corrupted shape.) Cube notices the tree triangle. "Let go of the triangle you monster!!" Yelled Cube. The monster looked back. "Oh you finally made it hero, I see you brought your caretaker as well." Said the corrupt. "Release the tree triangle at once or you'll get hurt by the Blue hero." Yelled Blue. The corrupt laughed "Me! Getting hurt by you, your funny" said the corrupt. "By the way my name is Barracuda, one of the best general's the Boss could ever ask for." Said Barracuda with confidence. "We don't care about you, just give us the piece peacefully and we'll let you live." Replied Blue. Barracuda launches one of his snake like creatures at Cubes shield. The snake was able to leave a crack on it. Blue runs towards Barracuda, and throw'a the first punch. Barra starts laughing while the air becomes to tight to breath. Cube pulled Blue into her shield. They see Barra growing bigger in size.

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They began to fly up to Barra's level. While that's happening they see the snakes becoming bigger at each second, but a group of them were carrying the tree triangle. When Barra stoped growing. He laughed and yelled. "You'll have to try harder than little punch hero!" Blue and Cube remembered the plan and they were ready for the fight. During the fight Blue got hit by one of the snakes and when he did he felt dizzy and had a strong headache. Cube protecting Blue told him to focus. Blue tried to fight but was an it to slow, so Cube had to help him during the battle. When Blue felt better he tried to use on of his spells. Blue is charging his spell. Cube trying to distract Barra with her spells to which Barra took damage from got tired. Cube screams at Blue to fire the attack. Blue fires the attack to which hits Barra's eyes. Blue starts shooting mini bullets at Barra. With Barra's eyes closed he couldn't attack well at Cube and Blue. After some attacks that Blue and Cube did to Barra. He passed out and turned back into his original form.

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