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When Hex found and healed Blixter. Hex told Blixter that she wanted to stay with him because he was lonely. "But do you have food and water so that we don't have to starve here?" said Blixter. "Well like I said I packed something's with me like the medicine, some water bottles, some canned soup, and some blankets" said Hex . Blixter then told Hex that he's glad that he isn't alone any more. Blixters face starts to blush a bit. "Well hey at least you have company now. Oh also I have to leave to get some more things, I will come back tomorrow during sunset, ok Blixter" said Hex. "Yeah I'll be fine" Hex grabbed her little bag and started walking out the cave. With each day of Hex leaving and entering the blue kingdom. Blue starts to become suspicious about why the shape is just leaving and coming back everyday. " I'll have to see what the shape is up to, I'll start to follow her during the morning" said blue in his mind. "Hey blue I came back from the meeting I had with the others" said Cube. "Have you been noticing a shape leaving and then coming back the next day?" Said Blue. "Well there's always shapes entering and leaving the kingdom"said Cube. "I know I know that shapes just come and go but one shape has caught my eye, I'll go follow her tomorrow morning to see what's she up to" said Blue. "Creep!!" Yelled Cube while walking away. Blue scoffed.      The morning came. Blue got up a bit earlier and went outside to wait if the shape was coming. Blue waited for a few mins before he saw Hex with a big bag. "Hmmm, I wonder what's in that bag, whatever I have to follow her" said blue. After some hours of Blue following Hex throughout the mountains finally Blue saw Hex going up the mountain to which he sees a cave. "Bingo!" Whispered Blue. Hex entered the cave without noticing Blue was following her. "Hey Blixter I'm back and I brought more stuff with me!" Yelled Hex. "Your back Hex!" said Blixter happily. Blue stayed outside but when he heard Blixter blues eyes widened. "Bl-Blixter is still alive— I have to see!" said Blue. Without realizing Blixter screamed and hid behind Hex which she instantly summed a spiked wall which pierced through Blues chest. Without hesitation Hex realize what she did and made the wall disappear. She ran towards Blue and used a healing spell which did the trick. (Hex tried to you use the spell on Blixter but didn't work) "Hero Blue you ok, please be ok!" said Hex. Blue opened his eyes slowly to see Hex and Blixter right I front of him. Blue came to tears. ( I'll try to post a story every week it depends on how busy I am with homework, but I hope you liked it)

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