Chapter 21: Overboard

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Lucy POV
I checked my scarf again while Natsu picked his way over to me.
"Looks like it's all over." He said smiling weakly as he slung an arm over my shoulders. I looked at him and noted just how beat up he had gotten in his fight. By this point everyone had gathered in what appeared to be the main room of the building, where we had been fighting the now unconscious Jose and Gajeel. Juvia was helping a very injured Gray walk while Elfman and Mira leaned on each other's shoulders for support. I smiled over to Natsu and grinned softly.
"Yeah!" I said with a happy nod. Then suddenly a voice rang out saying,
"Not yet." We all turned around to see a familiar old man frowning seriously.
"Master/Gramps!" Everyone yelled rushing over to him.
"Don't worry about me worry about all the dragons and the panicking people outside!" He yelled gesturing to the window. That's right! I hadn't even thought of that... I thought frowning. If I free them most of the dragons will go back to wherever Jose called them from, but then again what about Acnalogia? He might just start rampaging and kill a lot of innocent people...... ugh what do I do?! I bit my lip as I sifted through the possible plans and outcomes.
"Lucy, if you would allow me I might have just the solution." Master Makarov said a light scowl gracing his features.
"Do it." I said with a determination and finality that I had only just recently started to realize I was capable of. He stepped out into the middle of the room took an unfamiliar stance. A ball of light appeared between his hands and he cried,"FAIRY LAW!" A wave of pure light and magic swept through the room, and subsequently the city. We flattened ourselves to the ground as the shockwave tore most of the building apart. I clung to Natsu for dear life and flinched as I heard a familiar and terrifying roar. I peeked upwards with a squinted eye and saw Acnalogia flying away at top speed to avoid being hit by the spell. Once it was over we all got back to our feet and gaped at the destruction around us. The room was totally gone, leaving only the floor beneath us and two very poorly looking enemies. Jose's hair had all gone white and Gajeel looked like he had been run over by a train, Acnalogia however was totally gone. The remaining dragons landed around us and transformed into their human forms, one of them surprising me by taking the form of a young blue haired girl who introduced herself as Wendy, a sky dragon. Wow she looks a lot like Levy. I found myself thinking as she held her hands out to heal me. Once everyone was healed I fully registered the level of damage with a sudden and sinking sense of dread and horror.
"WE WENT WAY TOO FAR!" I yelled starting to panic. Natsu pulled me into a  sweet kiss and grinned down at me.
"Don't worry Luce! Things always have a way of working out." He encouraged and despite myself I found myself smiling at him. Yeah I guess they do.... I thought my eyes drifting over to the palace I once called home.

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