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Peter was in dark city and heard quick footsteps that was getting further and further away from him. He follows the noise and sees Harry running. Harry turned his head and saw Peter . His eyes got wider and gasped. He quickly turns and runs faster away from him. Peter wasn't sure what was going on with Harry, but knew he needed help and chased after him. He chased him all the way to the outskirts of the city and was at the edge of the cliff. Peter approaches Harry cautiously, making sure Harry doesn't get startled.

"Harry please, let me help you." said Peter.

"Help me!?" said Harry, "You knew what was happening. You knew who was after me. I thought you were my friend! You should've been able to help me. But you didn't!" He places his hands against his own face covering it from Peter. "Now look at me!" He reveals his face and it was the same Green Goblin face he suffered from Red X's attack.

"I tried Harry. I really tried!" As he stepped closer, Harry moved backwards. He loses his footing and falls from the cliff. Peter runs over to the edge of the cliff to save his friend.

"Why couldn't you save me!?" screamed Harry as he fell to his death. By the time he reached the edge, he looked down and saw Uncle Ben, and Gwen Stacy at the bottom. Both of them looked up, had a disappointed look on their faces as Harry lied down there in between them.

"Why you couldn't save us Peter?" said Uncle Ben. Peter horrified walked backwards and bumped into something. He turns around and sees Eddie waiting for him.

"You always seem to disappoint those you care about the most." said Eddie. He then slowly transform into Venom and charges at him roaring for blood.

Peter wakes up from his nightmare, sweating over what happened. He looked at the clock, it's barely been a few hours. He laid back down to pull himself together.

"Harry...Eddie. Wherever you are, I hope you are having better dreams than I am."

-New York City-

It was Raven and Beast-boy's turn to patrol the streets of NYC. Raven had been a bit more distracted since the Homecoming. What happened to Harry was horrible, and she couldn't help but feel Peter's emotions. The guilt, shame, and rage, she felt it all. On top of that, she kept thinking about the dance itself. The image of Peter and MJ together was burned into her memory. She was doing her best to suppress that image, but she couldn't. A red bird flew down and landed on her right shoulder. She knew full well who it was.

"If you're going to show yourself, at least come to me in her true form." said Raven.

"My dear, where is the fun in that?" the red bird whispered in her ear. The bird complied and transformed into its original form, Mephisto.

"What do you want?" asked Raven.

"You should watch your tone, is that any way to speak to the New ruler of Netherrealm?" Raven turned to him with eyes wide open.

"What!? That can't be...Trigon is..."

"Weak...His last soiree on Earth apparently took a lot out of him. Not that I needed the handicap, it just made things so much easier."

"Why are you telling me this? You have your own kingdom to look after."

"You're right I do, but it's gotten so boring without your dear ol' daddy around. So I've come to look for a new challenge." He says with a devilish grin.

"You know the rules, you can't do anything to Earth."

"You're right I can't. But heck if your dad can do it so can I." His eyes glowed red, "Remind me, how's Parker doing by the way?" Raven realized what he was planning on doing instantly.

Amazing Teen Titans: Titans in New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now