Party Crashers

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August 1, 12:00 PM

Eddie Brock was having a group session with Dr. Kafka and the other patients at Ravencroft. He was still recovering from being separated from his other half and his desire to kill Peter Parker. He has been in here for over a month and dealing with his roommate Cletus Kassidy and his rambles about watching the whole world burn down to the ground. He wanted to get out of the place, but Dr. Kafka was adamant that he was not cured of insanity.

"Two months ago my life fell apart by that wallcrawler. I thought my life was over until I met my other half. It gave me the power to kill him. It also told me everything about who Spider-man is, but that's my little secret, I'm keeping that to myself."

"Thanks for sharing Eddie, everything you said was very enlightening. Sounds like to me you are very confused. The other self you speak of does not exist, and the fight you had with Spider-man and the Titans never happened. This is all in your head, you created the other self due to stress of losing your parents because of Spider-man." replied Dr. Kafka.

"Doctor, you have to believe me I know what I did, I am not crazy!" The patient sitting next to him bursted out laughing and what he had just heard. "What's so funny?"

"If I had a penny for every time I heard that I would be richer than Stark."

"Now Cletus, that's not how we talk to other patients here." said Dr. Kafka.

"Doctor, I'm going to really enjoy our one on one private sessions we will hopefully have." said Cletus.

"You watch your mouth and show Dr. Kafka with some respect!" shouted Eddie.

"Why don't you make me?" challenged Cletus. The two started to brawl, and Dr. Kafka in response to the situation calls the security. Security comes and drags the two out of the room.

September 7, 9:00 PM

Peter had arrived to the location Frank asked him to meet. He was well aware that Aunt May wanted to speak to him, but he feared that Frank would spread word of who Spider-man. He was standing on top of a building and waited for Frank to arrive. He turns around and finds Raven right in front of him.

"Geezus Raven, where did you come from?" said Spider-man as he jumped back.

"You left the tower without telling anybody and also I'm covering for Beast-boy for the night." replied Raven.

"Why are you covering for him?"

"He has a lot of homework to make up."

"How? it's only like the second day of school!"

"That's what he told me." Before he could reply Frank cleared his throat to let everyone know he was here. The two turned to see him in a tuxedo and not wearing his Punisher makeup.

"Spider-man glad you can make it! Ah Rachel what a lovely surprise to see you." asked Frank with a smile.

"You know who I am?" said Raven who was in disbelief.

"I noticed Peter hanging out with the same group of people for a long period of time. Once I found out who Spider-man was, all I had to do was deduce who the rest of the Titans were."

"You got all that from who I was with in two days?" asked Peter.

"No, I was going on a hunch, thank you for confirming it though." The two just stood there and had a stunned look on their faces. He throws a package at Peter. "Open it." Peter was a little hesitant about it, but he slowly picked up the package and proceeded to open it.

"I hope you know what you are doing." whispered Raven.

"My spider-senses haven't gone off yet, I think it's safe to open." He opens the package and inside has a folded tuxedo.

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