First Day

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September 5, 1:00 AM

Spider-man and Starfire were doing a routine night patrol throughout New York City, and both were feeling somewhat anxious, as it was the night before the school starts. Through the efforts of Ironman and Batman, the Titans were able to transfer to Peter's school Midtown High, and gave them a device that allowed Cyborg, Beast-boy, Starfire, and Raven to blend in with the students without giving away who they were. Spiderman was the first to notice Starfire looking anxious and tried to make her feel comfortable.

"Star, you feeling okay?"

"Everything is fine, Spider-man. It's just..."

"It's just what?"

"It's just...I FINALLY GET TO GO TO EARTH HIGH SCHOOL!" screamed Starfire at the top of her lung.

"Okay Star, let's calm down here. It's just school it's just meh."

"How can I? I was learning what high school is like from Human Torch, and researched high school based on materials he told to me to use."

"Human Torch....Materials...Star what have you learned so far?"

"He told me that being popular and cool is very important. In order to be cool and hip, I have to wear this giant pink bunny suit." Spider-man didn't know whether he should smack Johnny for tricking Starfire like that or smack himself for letting Johnny near her.

"Star...don't listen to Johnny, in fact stay as far away as possible from him."

"How come?"

"Trust me, it would be better for everyone if you did, also don't do what he said. Please for both our sakes."

"But...But.." said Starfire in an upset tone. Spider-man quickly thought of something to help her calm down, and make her feel better.

"Hey follow me." Spider-man swung as quickly as possible and Starfire was a little confused but complied.

"Spider-man where are we going?"

"Trust me its something you'll love." They landed on top of a building and together they saw the beautiful bright lights of New York.

"Ooooooooh wooooooooow." Said the amazed Starfire. "Everything is so beautiful."

"Yeah sometimes with all the meta-humans trying to kill me, and dimension hopping I've been through, I sometimes forget to take a break and just take a breather." As Starfire was gazing at the lights of New York, to her it was art painted by lights. Spider-man's spider senses goes off, his mind quickly surveys the area searching for the threat. His spider-sense found the bullet and it was coming right towards a random man walking around in the streets. He was too late though, the bullet killed the man and chaos ensued. Both Starfire and Spider-man headed towards source of the bullet. The two reached to the source and found a sniper rifle left lying there.

"Where did he go?" asked Spider-man.

"He shouldn't have gone far." Said Starfire. She flew up high to get a better vantage view and found the sniper running from rooftop to rooftop. "There he is." She flew towards him as Spider-man followed her. The sniper ran and right before his face Starfire landed right in front of him. She punched him in the face hard knocking him back a few feet. Starfire was surprised at how strong he was; normally that punch would knock anyone out. Instead he immediately got up and in his fighting position. They both charged at each other. Every time Starfire tried to land a blow on him, the sniper blocked every single one. He landed a punch to her face, surprising her again at how strong he was. Spider-man finally arrived and ensnared him in his webbing.

Amazing Teen Titans: Titans in New YorkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin