Granted, he wasn't a doctor, and he had no idea what he was doing, but he definitely noticed some swelling, meaning the joint and muscles and tissues were surely inflamed. He smacked his lips as he shook his head at the sight, all while bringing the back of his hand up and gently placing it on the swollen area, much to Jungkook's confusion, "What're you doing?"

"Checking to see if it's hot to the touch," Taehyung simply stated as he felt the skin, but it didn't help the raven-haired boy's confusion at all, only adding on to it, and the brunette noticed this with a chuckle, "If it's hot to the touch, that either means it's infected or something else is wrong. But lucky you, it's not hot, so you're safe and most likely won't lose your arm."

"Most likely?" Jungkook asked with a light laugh, earning a cute nod from the younger and a small boxy smile, "I guess I'll take those chances, then." Taehyung's eyes flickered up and seen the raven-haired man looking at him with a soft gaze and small smile, and just staring at him with so much adoration in his eyes-or that's what Taehyung thought it was.

He felt a little flustered from all the staring, causing him to advert his gaze back to his shoulder, grabbing the ice pack from him and placing it there, "Hold it right here for me, and I'll be right back. Don't move," he ordered gently, earning a nod from the older as he walked out of the room and into the hall bathroom, grabbing surgical tape before returning after grabbing scissors. He sat back down next to Jungkook who just watched him with curious eyes, "I'm gonna tape it for now, unless you want to walk around holding it to your shoulder? Your choice."

"A little tape isn't going to kill me, I guess," the raven-haired boy replied teasingly, causing Taehyung to nod with a wide boxy smile on his face. He taped the ice pack to his shoulder, smiling proudly at his work before leaving and putting the supplies away, soon returning and finding Jungkook lying down on his back.

"I have to change the sheets on the bed," Taehyung stated softly as he walked up to the older, standing in between his legs as he held out his hand for the other to take it. Jungkook did without hesitation, standing up on his feet, before Taehyung walked away and into the hallway, approaching a closet and grabbing some blankets, sheets, a comforter, and pillowcases.

He walked back in the room with the things he needed in his arms, throwing them off to the side before going to the bed and stripping it from its current necessities. Jungkook didn't like the fact he wasn't helping, so he walked over and with his good shoulder, started helping the younger strip the bed of its sheets and blankets, "You don't have to, I got it."

"So, when are you gonna give me the tour?" Jungkook asked, completely ignoring the other's statement, and not even sparing him a single glance as he continued to strip the bed. Taehyung looked over at him with a smile, shaking his head as he threw the sheets off to the side in a pile before going over to the other pile of clean and new sheets, throwing them on the bed and making it up.

"I didn't know I was obligated to give you such a privilege," the small brunette boy joked, looking over at Jungkook who was now looking back at him, playfully rolling his eyes at him with a light laugh. The raven-haired boy wasn't expecting him to be so straightforward with him, but he could hear the playful banter within his voice.

"Straightforward, I like that."

"After we get this settled I'll give you a tour since I have to," Taehyung sarcastically sighed with a shake of his head as they finished making up the guest bed. He grabbed the pile of sheets and blankets, walking them to the laundry room downstairs and throwing them in a nearby hamper. He walked back upstairs, peeking his head into the guest room and seeing Jungkook sitting in the bed with his phone in his hand, "You still want that tour?"

Jungkook's head snapped up at the deep, velvety smooth voice, his smile growing as he nodded his head and pocketed his phone. He stood up and walked over to Taehyung, as the other moved out of the way and in the middle of the hall, "You already know where the kitchen and guest bedroom are. That door over there is my parents' bedroom, stay out of it unless you want me to die, the hall bathroom is right beside the room you'll be staying in, and the living room is downstairs on your left. Any questions?"

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