Spider Hunting

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Hello Wattpad, I'm back, and the oneshots are back in style.


(An attempt at MCU-ifying Ana Kravinoff)

It had been a little over a year after Kraven The Hunter died after an attack from the Vermin.

But to Peter Parker, it was a memory as vivid as the first time he ever swung a webshooter. The sight of The Vermin's claws digging into someone he'd tried to save and turn so many times had dug into his psyche, and it gave him a new desperation to save people, along with a new person whom he was to pay his dues to. 

Ana Kravinoff, who was Kraven's now orphaned daughter. Peter had no idea she existed before Kraven had made him swear to protect her moments before his death. It had been 3 years after the hunter's death, and even so, the wound still seemed to cut deep into the young woman, with the fact that she absolutely despised his guts and blamed him for her father's death.

In all honesty, he blamed himself as well. But, that was a normality in Peter Parker's mindset, always feeling responsible for the bad happenings of others around him. As he felt like danger magnetized itself to him, and with it, trouble to those he held close would always come.

Sometimes he wished it wasn't like how it was, but it was reality, he knew, and everyone else in the world knew that he was The Amazing Spider-Man, and he needed to hold himself to that regard. That was what Tony taught him, and that was what he was going to do. So, as he swung around New York, carefree as a feather, he zeroed in on a certain window, running on the windows of The Sherry Netherland, making his way up to the uppermost penthouse, which he had Harley Keener buy for him for the sake of having Ana have a comfortable home.

She thought he was gratuitous. He thought she deserved the world, she also thought he was crazy, to which he agreed to some extent. Of course he was crazy, he was Spider-Man.

He made his way up to the young woman's home. She'd been staying there for a little bit less than three years. It was decently customized with a little bit of Kraven flair, but with a woman's touch and her own personality. Namely yellow. For some reason Ana liked yellow.

Peter crawled his way into the terrace, giving an attempt at opening the door with his own key, as sometimes he liked to come over and relax, because he still had his own apartment in Queens, a little father away from Aunt May's, and shittier, as he wanted to get by with his own money and not Tony's. But the penthouse was listed under his name, because Ana was still 16 when he had Harley buy the home, which took little to no bargaining, after all, he and Harley shared the same sentiment for lost parents.

He found the door actually already unlocked, possibly because of Ana knowing that he had a tendency to come and rest himself without being crowded by people, he felt a little joy inside knowing that she cared, even just a little bit.

Of course she did, the male had given her a stable home and comfort that she'd never had in her life. Ana Kravinoff, while still a little angry and angsty at the fact that he was there when her father died, was thankful for Peter, she didn't exactly want to go back to Russia, nor see her abusive mother again. She'd done nothing but turn her into a weapon, and so did her father. All she wanted was to have a life of her own, and, to her surprise, her father's nemesis and biggest prey, gave her that.

Still, right now in her life, she found herself at the study of her very spacious penthouse home, which she still thought was too big and very much uncalled for, but at the same time, it felt a little bit good that Peter cared that much for her, even with their short time of knowing each other.

She was even more thankful that he didn't abandon her after she had turned eighteen, which was definitely something her mother, or even her father would have done with their 'survival of the fittest' attitude. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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