Cat got your tongue~?

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Spiderman X Black Cat

Part One

Author's note: We're in the Spiderman PS4's Universe, where Peter is 23 and Felicia is in her mid-late 20s, so LEGAL. Yes indeed, legal. Also, some depressed Spidey and a slightly sexist rendition of Black Cat, meaning she won't be doing any hurting in this one.

*Peter's POV*

Damn you, Felicia.

She tricked me, again.

But, why?

Why did you have to die?

I could have saved you...

I suddenly find myself jerking up, panting, cursing under my breath. "I let her die..." I mutter, then clinging on to the slim chance that it might just be a sick joke.

Heaving deep breaths, I check the time, it was 10:34 AM, remembering I slept at 4, I gently flopped back onto the bed, "It's a sunday, Peter. Just be positive..." I let out a deep sigh then slowly sat up.

"No work for today, just me." I mumbled to myself, as I heard a voice resonating from the speakers on the suit. "And maybe some friendly neighbourhood Spiderman time." I shrug and groggily put on the suit, stumbling as I tried fit in my right foot as I dropped to the ground.

I groaned and sighed as I sat up, then promptly turning on the suit. "Hello again," I greeted the suit, getting no response whatsoever, "I really need to have Mr. Stark apply an AI bot to this suit," my mind wandered off for a moment.

I proceeded to shake my head, focusing on the task at hand, "Let's warm up a little first," I enthusiastically said, then shooting a web flying onto a building, gripping it tightly as I jumped out the window.

I swung along the buildings, listening to the police reports, nothing in Queens, nor in Brooklyn, so I decided to check out New York City. Promptly followed with staring into a huge screen with J. Jonah Jameson's face on it.

I've never really understood his disdain for Spiderman, though granted I did cause some mishap, but most of those were started by the bad guys. But enough of Jonah ranting about Spiderman and all that drama stuff. "Let's get to work," I mumbled as I swung onto the rooftop of a building, listening to the reports of any crime in New York.

I let out a sigh as I got tired of listening to nothing but 'over's over and over again. "Wait, did I eat breakfast this morning?" I muttered as I heard my stomach growl. Seems like I was too eager to get in the suit. I sighed and placed down my backpack, then took out a sweater and a pair of pants, "These are quite a life saver," I promptly placed them on, taking off my spider mask and placing it in the backpack, I strapped the backpack back onto my shoulders and began descending the building, down a narrow alleyway.

I let out a sigh as my stomach grumbled once more, fortunately there was a nearby pizzeria just around the block. I walked inside and luckily, the place didn't have that much people inside it.

I decided on ordering a regular pepperoni pizza with extra cheese, because you can never get enough cheese with your pizza, though Aunt May tells me that it's unhealthy. I mean it's milk curds, it has calcium, it's healthy, I think.

Meanwhile, I overheard some people talking about some kind of strong-arm thing. Only trouble could spew out of this. I promptly finished my pizza, quickly paying the bill and leaving a tip as I walked into the dark alleyway, taking off my sweater and my pants, then placing on the mask, I placed the clothes back in my bag, then ascended the building, keeping watch of the men that I had overheard earlier.

I noticed them walk out of the pizzeria, they looked like absolute thugs, broad physiques, intimidating scars on their faces, they seemed familiar, could they be Hammerhead's? "Possibly..." I muttered as I took a glance at where they were going.

They walked into a apartment complex about 10 blocks away, I decided to follow them and find out who they were after. I crawled up the ceiling, making sure they didn't spot me in the shadows. I saw them knock on the door aggressively as a woman answered the door.

She looked familiar, that face, the white hair, "Felicia?" I mutter faintly, confused, as one of the thugs pulled out a gun.

I sprung into action, shooting a web onto the gun and one to the wall, pulling the gun away and shooting one more web to catapult myself over to the thug. Swiftly knocking him out with a flying kick.

Another thug proceeded to clock me with a haymaker, yikes. I reeled back and shot a web onto the two remaining thug's faces, striking one with a backhand fist and the other, a quick roundhouse kick.

I ducked a punch from one of the thugs, tripping him as he dropped to the floor, hard and head first, knocking himself out. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall, they said." I mumbled.

I turned to the last thug as I caught his fist, pulling him towards me as I clocked him with a knee, knocking him unconscious as he fell to the floor.

I heaved a deep sigh as I wrapped the three with webs hanging them outside the window, "Geez, I went full Iron Fist on them," I quipped, trying to calm my adrenaline down.

"You done?" I heard a feminine voice from the door, I glanced behind me, staring at the familiar female standing before me, "Felicia," I stared at her.

"It seems curiosity didn't kill the cat," Felicia smirked.

"Are you referring to me or yourself?" I tilted my head, still confused how she's still alive.

"Both, missed me?" She let out a chuckle. "You think this is a joke? You tricked me, I saw you-" I stopped in my tracks, noticing a small boy peeking near the door, Felicia raised a brow, then came to realization and turned to the boy, "Mom, is that Spiderman?" The boy asked.

"Yes, sweetie, but if you want to get an autograph, you have to go back to the living room and stay quiet, okay?" Felicia let out a sigh and smiled, her voice seemed tender, not the flirtatious tone she uses on me. On the other hand, the boy, he looked like. Well, me. I stood there, flabbergasted as the boy smiled and ran back inside the apartment.

Felicia then turned towards me, "I thought you said that it was a lie," I stared at her.

"I said, misdirection, not lie," she replied, I let out a deep sigh. "Is it-" I was stopped by Felicia quickly saying, "Yes,"

I replied with a moment of silence, taking all the information in.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She walked closer, smirking. Then, she slowly took off my mask, "Peter Parker," she smiled

I thought for a moment, and said something I would probably regret, "No, I got your tongue," I replied, pulling Felicia in for a punishing kiss.


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