A Glutton For Punishment

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm pretty sure it was a bust. Not that I didn't have fun trying. Ah, well. She wasn't the right girl apparently." Lucifer gave a deep sigh and stood, finishing his drink.

"You make it sound as if you're looking to settle down." I snarked. Lucifer was definitely not the settle down type.

"Ah, you know what they say. You never know what could happen if you meet the right girl." I gave a laugh at that. That was bit of a yarn there.

"Oh, is Hëll about to have a princess? Instead of a ring, she gets demonspawn?" I fawned. Yeah. That was never going to happen.

"Unfortunately, no. The woman who bears my child will unfortunately pass on once the baby arrives. Shame, really." Great. One more thing I will have to do. "I will of course treat her soul very well." Well, goodness girls, line up for that!

"Well, I'll bring the congratulatory cigars when the un-blessed event happens. In the meantime, could you get the f*ck out so I can shower the succubus stink off me?" Lucifer gave another laugh before heading out. A flick of my hand closed and locked the door. Just in case, I placed a few wards on the door. I would hate for uninvited guests to arrive. Again.

Clean of my earlier activities, I dressed and got to work. Not before, making an appearance in Zitomira's room. She was talking to her parents. I paused for a second when her eyes met mine. What is it with this girl? How is she even able to see me? I didn't wait around to find out. The burn in my palm gave me an excuse to leave. Not an excuse. That sounded cowardly. It gave me a reason to leave. Yeah, that sounded better. A reason.

The scroll in my hands appeared after leaving the room. Hundreds of names, none of them glowing. I pushed out the names to my repears and took a few on. Fortunate for me, they were all red tickets. Unfortunately for them, they got the brunt of my frustration. Each one got a personal ride to Hëll with me, the monster in their nightmares. It did make me feel better.

The greedy man who killed his wife for her insurance? Well he went to the money room. Yes, sounds perfect for him. Right? Well, if you said yes, you would be wrong. This is Hëll folks. He was pelted with gold coins till he couldn't stand, then burned in a pile of paper money. Then, once the fire was out? He stood, unscathed, for it all to happen again. His joy at seeing the riches turned to pain as his torture began. The money room was filled with them, yet none were aware any were there with him or her. Good times. Good times.

There was one drug addict who killed his mother for twenty dollars, well he went to the addict room. Yes, you guessed it. A room filled with that person's vices, yet none delivered that sought after high. The chick in the corner who sold her kid to the pedophile, she has like thirty needles sticking out of her already, yet she still screamed searching for more. Fun days.

People go on about human justice, an eye for an eye. Well, here in Hëll, we take that shīt literally. Take this one. She seems like such a nice old grandma. Silver hair, cut short in curls. All jolly and round, she even smells like cookies! Did you know she killed six babies? No? I did. Now she's going to the child killer room. What's inside is special to every soul inside it. We do custom jobs here. This one will here the cries of her victims over and over and over.

You see, hell isn't just a lake of fire, we save that for the arsonists. That is a special item. There are hundreds of "areas". Now, there are some cases of souls paying off their debt. Not many. Maybe every thousand years or so. I think my hell, not like I'm planning to die anytime soon. That would be a bit complicated now wouldn't it, but my hell would be that room. That stinky hospital room, I now find myself in yet again. What am I doing? Watching Zitomira, Mira, sleep. Again. You'd think she'd had enough sleep.

This was a more natural sleep. She was just resting. Or whatever. Alone. In a hospital fillled with a million ways to die. I was getting dangerously bored again. I left the room for a moment, just a moment. Humans need caffeine breaks, I need fun breaks. Or else I end up in bed with some fúcking succubus, or calling every last soul in this joint. I'm perfectly serious. I would totally do it. Just let their souls wander about confused. That could be fun. Or going into the next room. So I went into the next room. You're welcome. I didn't hurt the man. Promise. Well, not much. I just played a game. Instead of playing "light, dark" with the light switch, I played "life, death" with his soul. Pull his soul, put it back in. Pull his soul, wait long enough where he might start "seeing the light", then put it back in. It's a fun game, but after thirty minutes or so of confusing the hospital staff and scaring the man, it lost it's appeal.

So back to her room I go. Again completely bored after five minutes. Maybe I should get an IPad. Play Angry Eagles or whatever they call it. Watch porn. Something. A zombie apocalypse was sounding pretty awesome right now. It would free me up. Technically the soul would be trapped, so it would free me up. That's the kicker though. What would I do with all that free time? Sit here. Watching her. Probably. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Glutton. Gluttony. Remind me to kick Beelzebub's hairy ass. He was probably sitting at the bar chugging down a bottle, a bucket of buffalo wings in front of him , laughing his ass off.

A wicked thought occured. Why sit here watching her from the outside? When I could do so much more? From the inside. With a snap of my fingers, I was gone. Leaving nothing but a chuckle of amusement behind me.

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