"Chloe's a hugger." He says.

"Yeah I see that." I laugh

"Kayla are you staying for dinner?" Chloe asks with adorable puppy eyes.

"No?" I question

"Yes she is." Kyle answered, I give him a questioning look but he just shrugs it off.

We all just make general chitchat about Chloe's school.

A knock on the door interrupts us.

"Kayla honey, will you be joining us for dinner?"

"Um Yes, unless it's too much of an issue?" I say.

"No, no nonsense it's not a problem, Dinner will be ready in probably about an hour or so. Chloe darling please go so they can do there homework." she says, smiling at Kyle.

"Fine, Mom." Chloe says.
Both of them leaving us.


"Hey Kyle did you know every 3 seconds a person dies from poverty related reasons?" I ask, reading the fact from a website about poverty for our project.

"No." He simply says.

"Okay, well now you know." I say a bit sassy.

"Hey Kayla no need to be so-" He didn't finish because the door opens reviling Chloe.

"Dinners ready." She says getting excited.

"Okay." Kyle and I say together.

We head down stairs to a very lovely smelling kitchen.

"I hope you like roast Chicken with salad." Johanna says

"I love roast chicken and salad." I say

Just as Johanna puts all the food on the table, a boy about 16 walks in with his face engrossed in his iPhone.

"Thomas get off your phone. Kayla this is Thomas, Thomas this is kayla." Johanna says.

I smile at Thomas and he returns the smile.

I give myself a very small portion of Chicken and my usual potion of salad which is a lot I have too keep a healthy body to be a model.

"Hey Mom, can you buy me a Seventeen magazine?"

"Why Darling?"

"Because Sky Jackson is on the front cover and there is a big poster of her as well, she's my idol and she lives in this town somewhere." Chloe explains. That Just warms my heart to know I'm her role model but she doesn't know.

"I'll think about it." her mom says. Chloe frowns but as soon as it's there it quick goes and scoffs the rest of her dinner down.

We all finish our beautiful dinner Kyle brushes his leg against mine. I felt my cheeks redden.

"Anyone want dessert, Kayla?" Johanna asks breaking me out of my faze.

"Uh no sorry but I should probably get home now." I say.

I mean I do want dessert but I don't have any dessert like ever, my mom and manager don't approve.

That reminds me I should go to the gym I haven't gone in 2 days, I usually go everyday what has gotten into me?

"I'll take you to school to get your car." Kyle says.

"Okay, let's go."

"Bye-bye Kayla." Chloe says giving me a hug.

"Bye Chloe." I pat her head.

"Bye Ms Brooks." I say.

"No don't call me Ms Brooks it makes me sound old just call me Johanna."

"Okay then bye Johanna." I say as she pulls me into a hug.

"Bye Kayla." Thomas says giving me a genuine smile.

"Let's go." Kyle says pulling me to the door.

I say my final goodbyes and get on Kyle's Death trap, I put the helmet on and ride to school, to get my car.

Shit, I forgot I had a photo shoot at 5:00pm.
It's now 8:30pm.

I'm in deep shit when I get home.

"We're here." Kyle says breaking me out of my thought.

I get off his bike, and give him his helmet back.

"Thanks for the ride to school." I say.

"No problem." He says.

"Bye Kyle."

"Bye Sweetheart." Kyle says with his signature smirk - The devils smirk.

"Sweetheart?" I say with a
Questioning look.

"You're new name is Sweetheart."

"No don't call me that ever." I say walking to my car.
I get in and turn my engine on thinking about two things,

What the hell is going on with Kyle?

And the one that I'm more worried about, How much trouble am I going to be in when I get home?

I'm a model that's Undercover as a nerdWhere stories live. Discover now