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"Kyra? Kyra you okay? You kinda zoned out on me." Prince waved his hand in front of me.

"I'm not hungry." I fought back the tears and walked out of the kitchen.

"Well, how bout you take a nice warm bath while I go out to buy you some new clothes and hygienic things? Alright?" He followed me into the living room.

I crossed my arms and stood by the couch. He grabbed his coat and left, locking the door behind him.

I ran towards the window. I looked out and saw him talking to a buff man in a black suit. He pointed to me and the man looked at me. He nodded and turned his attention back to Prince. Prince hopped in his car and left.

I sighed frustratedly and began to walk towards the shower. I got a towel and a rag on the way.

I undressed myself, not looking at my own body and its wounds. The warm, steamy, relaxing water hit my body and I exhaled deeply. I sat in the shower just to enjoy the water for 5 minutes. I grabbed my rag and the soap and washed my body down. Some places were stinging on my body because of the open cuts.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Prince laying some clothes into the bed, gently and folded neatly.

He turned around and looked me directly in my eyes. Nowhere else. Even though I was in a towel, he looked me directly in my eyes.

I looked down instantly.

"Oh, um sorry. Here's your clothes. I didn't know what you liked so I bought you a sweatshirt with joggers and Jordan's. I got Victoria's Secret bras and panties. A brush, a comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, lady-business contraptions....both because I didn't know if you liked the surfboards rather than the rockets, and so on." He backed away from the clothes and kept his hands together.

"So, you're calling me dirty?" I raised an eyebrow as I walked over to the supplies.

"No no no." He spoke quickly. "Actually, you're really clean for a um...."

"Yeah. I know."


"Sneak into the back of LA Fitness. Close down the girls locker room. Take a shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, but still leave it rough looking. Wash my face. That stuff." I picked up the bra and looked at the size. "How did you know my size?"

"Well....I guessed....I figured since you like baggy things, you're hiding something that's there.....that way, you aren't targeted for....but um, I'm glad its the right size." He opened the door.

"How much did it cost?"

"Over $100." He shrugged. I stared at him. "You're welcome." He shut the door and left.

I put on the clothes and shoes, did my routine, then combed my hair.

I walked out of the room and walked downstairs.

Feels really good to have new shoes.

"You like them?" Prince smiled as he watched me bounce down the stairs. He scared me and I lost foot.

I saw the ceiling, next thing I know I was staring at Prince's feet. I looked up and he made the 'that looks like it hurt' face. He held out a hand.

I rejected his offer and helped myself up.

"5 feet." I warned him.

"Do you want ice?"

"I didn't need ice back at home, I don't need ice now." I brushed myself off and talked into the living room. He followed and turned on the TV.

"What show?" He plopped into the couch a distance away from me.

"Um.......I don't know.....That's So Raven." I suggested.



"You know that show doesn't come on anymore except Wednesday at midnight, right?"

"What? That show came on every day."

"How long has it been since you've watched TV?"

".....I don't know......years...." I stared off into space.

"Um, how about Spongebob?"


He turned on the TV and changed the channel to Nickelodeon.


She looked so lost. Confused. Awkward. She doesn't feel at home. I caught her vibe. The insecure hair flip. Sitting up straight. Hands in between her thighs.

"So....where are you from?" I tried to lighten the mood.

"Don't ask personal questions." She snapped back at me.

"You're very angry and hostile." I smiled at her.

"You're very annoying and nice." She rolled her eyes. What happened to her to where she was living in a box?


"Let's ask some questions about you. I would like to know who I'm stuck with before I escape." She propped her elbow up on the couch and turned towards me.

I never noticed her eyes. How beautiful they were.

Probably because she's never looked me in my eyes before.

"Okay." I mocked her.

"What is your name?"

"Prince. I already told you."

"Your real name." She raised an eyebrow.

"Jacob. Jacob Perez." I looked her directly in her eyes.

"Hm....okay. Where are you from?"

"Los Angeles."

"I still don't trust you at all. I think you want something in return, don't you? What kind of man are you, hm? The one that uses me and tries to get sex? Hm? You want me to tell you what you want to hear? You want to know the truth about what happened that day?! YOU WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE THINKS WHAT HAPPENED?! THE LIES?!" She yelled at me, raising up off of the couch before she stormed out.

What was she talking about?

What does she mean tried to get sex?

What has she been through?

I'll help her. I'm going to help her open up. That's why she's so angry and hostile. She keeps holding in all of that anger. She won't let it out.

She will let it out. I'll let her see what it feels like to be happy again.

I'll keep her away from anyone who has kidnapped her and forcibly tried to have sex with her.

I'll be her angel.

Runaway LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora