Social Media

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I came back downstairs, freshly showered. I walked towards the couch, watching Kyra sleep. I chuckled, thinking about the video Charles had showed me.

Her eyes opened, and she stared at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's been three hours already?" She asked in a groggy tone.


"Ugh." She groaned, sitting straight up on the couch.

"Can I sit here?" I gestured at the spot next to her.

She hesitated before answering. "Sure."

"If you're not comfortable with it-"

"Sit down before I change my mind."

I took a seat next to her. There was an awkward silence. "Your phone."


"Let me see your phone." I repeated.

"Oh..." She reached into her pockets, retrieving her phone.

I slid the screen open. "You already installed them?"


I found Twitter and clicked on it. "You have an email?"


I pressed the home button and clicked onto Gmail.

"What are you doing?" She questioned.

"You have to have an email. What do you want your name to be?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "What should it be?"

"Something simple. Easy to remember-"

"" She answered.

"Alrighty then." I chuckled, typing the name into the space. "What's the 'J' for?"

"My middle name."

"May I ask what it is?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"No." She smirked. I shrugged and continued filling out information. There was a pause. "It's Jae. Like J-a-e. Not just the letter." She answered.

"I like it. It's cute." I answered.

"Thanks." She said in a low tone.

After I set up her email, I went back to Twitter. I filled in her information and got her to follow Diana's account.

While I was setting up her Instagram account, my phone started ringing. I pulled out my phone and answered.


"I see KyraSoLit just followed me. Is she ready, yet?" Diana asked on the other end of the phone.

"KyraSoLit? That's my name? You're lame." Kyra laughed.

"You can change it later, if you please." I smiled. "Her Twitter account is up. I'm setting up all of her other accounts right now." I spoke into the phone.

"Just text me when you're all done. And Princeton?"


"You are lame. You should try something like 'KyraMonrroy'."

"She doesn't want her full name." I responded.

"Well KyraSoLit is ugly. Love you. Bye." Diana said before hanging up.

I turned to Kyra.

"What?" She questioned with a stank face.

"How do you like KyraJae?" I asked.

"Better than KyraSoLit." She answered.

After I finished setting up all of her accounts and fixing her Twitter name, I gave her her phone back. "Watch this." I told Kyra as a texted Diana.

In a couple of minutes, Kyra's phone pinged. She looked at the notification and clicked on it. It brought her to Diana's page.

"DDPlumpModels: What do you guys think of our newest model, @KyraJae? Stunning!"

Kyra looked at the picture she posted. Minutes later, her notifications were blowing up.

"Look." Prince said, scrolling down from the tweet. "This is what people are saying about you."

"lesliebayles82: Omg she's so beautiful! Who is she? Goals asf"

"jasmine.shvrty: Goals asf! Thick asfff"

"kvng.marcuss: where can I find her? mami thick thick"

"ric0sxvage3: sexy asf. I'd hit"

"trvpg0ldmya: bodyyyyy"

"What the hell?" Kyra scrunched her nose.

"What? They're complimenting you."

"I don't like these comments. Especially the Rico dude. How do I say something to him?"

"You're going to get comments like this all of the time. Just ignore them."

Kyra's notifications blew up with retweets, follows, comments, and whatever else. I taught her how to work around the app.

"So, that's it? I can post whatever I want?" She asked.

"Yes, but be careful what you post. People are watching. Companies are watching. If you post something bad, it may ruin your chances of working with a huge business." I warned her. She nodded.

"Can I tell them I don't appreciate them talking to me like that?"

"I mean, you can but they're still going to do it. Just ignore it. Or take it as a compliment."

She stubbornly rolled her eyes. "So, is that it? Can I go back to sleep yet?"

"Yeah. Also, I'm going to be here less and less. Since you still need to get to and from work, I'll have Omar and D'Juan drive to there. Not yet tho. I want to be there for a few more shoots, then I'll give you over to them."

She nodded, standing up from the couch. Once she walked up the stairs, I looked back at Charles.

"She's letting me get closer." I smiled.

He shook his head and chuckled. "You are so excited over these couple of inches."

"Feet, actually." I corrected him.

"How's the business?" Charles asked, fixing the both of us some drinks.

"Eh. It's getting there. I already don't want to use my mom and dad's money, but I kinda need it. I feel like they're going to cut it off because of Kyra. I'm not giving up on her. So, I just gotta start making my own money. Rely on myself." I shrugged. "Thanks." I took the glass away from Charles, taking a sip.

"What's it gonna be like? What's the name? How much money are you going to make? I need to know how much of a raise I'm going to get." Charles grinned.

I chuckled, taking another sip. "It's called Perez Enterprises," I traced the rim of the glass with my finger. "I don't know how this thing is going to work, yet. I've asked old colleagues for advice. They're helping me, but it's not the way I want it. You know? It doesn't have my own little spice to it, or at least not yet. I want to build a successful company from the dirt up. Soon, I'll be independent. I'll have Kyra, and she's already getting her stuff going. She's going to do amazing. She'll be independent."

"So what you're telling me is that you want to build an empire with Kyra, making you two a power couple, correct?" Charles interjected.

"I didn't say all of that." I shook my head, placing my drink on the table next to me.

"But you kinda did, though." Charles argued.

"Goodnight, Charles!" I got up, walking upstairs before he could say anything else.

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