Chapter 7-

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What happens when you die? Is it a pool of black just like when you close your eyes? Do you have a 7 second montage of your whole life? Do you go to the bottom of a golden staircase and await your entry to heaven? Is it just like a dream that goes on and on? What if you're dreaming right now? What if your dead and your whole life is a dream? Do you come back as some one or something else? And why do scientists always tell people what it's like to die? No research can prove what death feels like so why are they so confident about what happens? Of course, none of these questions will ever be answered and if they are, im afraid I won't be alive to tell anyone who hasn't experienced what it feels like simply because I'd already dead. But if a broken heart can in fact kill you, wouldn't I be dead right now?

I walked through the double doors of the school with Lexie at my side. We headed towards our lockers to get our books and stuff for class when we were stopped by none other than the principal. Mrs Haynes. "Ahh, mia. What a delightful encounter as always. You're just the girl I was looking for" she said placing her hands on her hips. "What for? I've got a class to get to" I said with a bored expression. "You're excused from first period to third, follow me please. Lexie, get to class" she demanded. Lexie shook her head "damn, lemme say goodbye to my girl miss" she said before hugging me and walking away to her locker. I followed Mrs. Haynes to her office and sat in the chair "I swear you girls have to much attitude for your own good" she mumbled looking down at a folder in front of her. "Is that what you wanted to tell me? Cos I already knew" I said with a smirk "mia with that attitude you're lucky I don't reconsider your position as cheer captain" she said without even looking up. She was so full of herself. "Miss we've had this conversation before. Coach is the only one that can demote my position and let's face it, nothing you say will make him change his mind" I laughed. She let out a dramatic sigh. "Okay. Here's what I want from you. Since your the most known girl here I want you to hang out with a new-ish student" she said "he's a boy, in your year and plays football so you can understand why I want you to show him around" she said with a disapproving look on her face "okay, what's his name?" I asked smiling. "Justin Taylor" she said smirking. "What the fuck miss?! He's only been gone 3 months! He doesn't need to be shown around, you know I have history with him!" I said standing up and slamming my fists on the desk. "I'm not doing it" I said walking out. "I'll call your dad then" she smirked.
"I don't have a dad." I said and slammed her door shut. Why did he have to come back and make things worse? I mean, it was bad enough at home with my dad but I can't deal with justin right now.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and texted Joel. He and I were kinda like best friends with benefits. I was there when he needed and vice versa.
To- jojo
Up for one at mine? x
When I pulled into my driveway I got a text,
From- jojo
Be there in 5 x

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