Public Enemy, Part Two

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---- NOV 8TH, 2038 ----

---- PM 04:13:34 ----

After a quick explanation of what I had missed, I watched as Connor walked over to the screen with the security footage. "I hadn't even thought of watching those."

"Well, that's why I'm here. To make sure you get to stuff you would have missed," Connor said, smiling a little. I watched as he wound the tape forward, then back a little, then forward again. There were four androids, one of which pressed a button on the door. 

"They didn't break in?" I questioned. Connor looked at the cop who had walked them in.

"No, no signs of forced entry." 

"There are cameras in the hallway. The staff would have seen what was happening," Connor pointed out, looking between the cop and the cameras, "Why did they let them in?"

Hank shrugged when I looked at him. "Maybe they didn't check the cameras..."

I thought back to my time as a receptionist. It wasn't often when I would find myself just looking at the cameras. Just when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. 

"Makes sense," I mumbled. Connor looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 

As he continued to talk to Hank, I looked at the chair that I had been leaning on. The back read 'Android'.

"We stored the station androids in the kitchen. There's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them." The cop explained. Connor looked towards the kitchens but hesitated. I, quite frankly, didn't even want to interrogate anyone today, so I wasn't about to go in there. 

I leaned against the desk and looked around, noticing little things. Bullet holes in the wall, officers milling around. Connor turned to the screen next to me, and he motioned for the worker to play the video. 

I watched as Connor's eyes scanned the screen. His shoulders relaxed, and his face softened. 

"Think that's rA9?" Hank asked from Connor's other side. I looked at him, I hadn't even thought of that. 

"Deviants say rA9 will set them free. This android seems to have that objective." His voice was... flat. Eyes remained fixated upon the android on the screen. 

"D'you see something?" Hank asked, looking at Connor.

Connor hesitated, "I identified its model and serial number..."

"Anything else we should know?" I asked. 

Connor looked at me, shook his head, and looked back at the screen, "No, nothing."

Hank nodded, walking off. I watched as Connor's head hung a little before he too walked away.

Feeling really useless here. Fuck, Fowler, couldn't I have just stayed in my hospital room this time? I rubbed my shoulder, trying to get rid of the aching.

I watched as Connor walked around, scanning over the room. I'm sure his software was telling him exactly what guns the deviants used, how many shots they took, exactly where they went. Part of me ached for the power to be able to do that. To be able to do my job perfectly. But I knew that I would never be able to. Not for years and years.

I gripped my arm, hugging into myself. I continued to watch as Connor walked around.

Hank approached me, "How's your shoulder?"

I looked at him, "I wish Fowler had let me just stay in the hospital. Honestly."

Hank laughed, patting my good arm. We noticed Connor begin the ascent to the rooftop, so we took off after him.

Method of Operation- A Detroit: Become Human Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora