Partners, Part Three

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---- NOV 6th, 2038 ----

---- 12:19:04 AM ----

Connor knelt as Hank turned to another cop I had met once or twice, "Chris, was this written in the victim's blood?"

I shuddered at the thought, looking at Connor as it looked over something on the ground. Red ice. I sighed, looking up as Connor stood and begin to walk off. I stood and stretched, grimacing at the next spoken words.

"I would say so..." Chris replied, looking to Hank, "We're taking samples for analysis."

Connor knelt by evidence marker number two, which was the knife the victim had been stabbed with apparently. It was a little kitchen knife, with a small pool of blood around the blade. I had a knife exactly like that at home. 

Connor stuck a finger in the blood pool and put it in its mouth.

"Ew," I said, looking at the android while crossing my arms.

After my comment, Hank noticed and walked over to Connor, "Err, Jesus! What the hell are you doing?" Hank's face scrunched up and I rubbed my hand over my face, exhausted and trying to remain awake. 

Connor stood and began its reply, "I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time." Connor looked between Hank and I expectantly, for what I wasn't sure. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you..."

Hank turned away, then looked back at Connor, "Ok, just... don't... put anymore evidence in your mouth, you got it?" Hank waved his hand towards the android.

"Got it," Connor replied, looking back at its blood-covered fingers.

"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit..." Hank muttered, walking into the rest of the house.

"That's really cool Connor," I whispered, looking at him.

"Thank you," The android smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"What'd you get from it?" I asked, stepping to it and looking at the blood for a second before looking at it.

"It's from Carlos Ortiz, and it is over 19 days old. The blood has definitely dried up," Connor looked up and began walking to the next piece of evidence.

This game of "Who-Dunnit?" continued for another few minutes until we ended up back in the living room by Hank. While following Connor we found some weird things, like how the bathroom had been converted into a sanctuary of sorts, with scrawling all over it and a small offering area. Hank had sent all the drugs up to the station for analysis, and was just waiting on Connor and I to be back in the living room.

It was fascinating to watch Connor work, I almost forgot what I was supposed to be doing. I gave the android a few pointers along the way, only because it missed a few things when looking around. Eventually we ended up back at that dreaded text, and Connor seemed to analyze it for a few minutes before moving onto analyzing the dead body just below it. At that point I moved on to talk with Hank.

"You seem to really like it," Hank pointed out, looking at me.

I scoffed, crossing my arms while glancing at Hank, "Bullshit."

"Oh come on, you've been following the damn thing around like a puppy. That's the most I've seen you be interested in anything other than your siblings," Hank pointed out, waving at the android as it looked down the body. 

I shuddered at the sight of him, blood all over the chest and chin tucked into his chest. If I hadn't seen worse I would have surely puked by now.  

Connor stood, looking around the room slowly as if it was watching something. I tilted my head, curiosity blooming in my chest. Its head tilted as well as it looked past me and Hank and into the kitchen.

"He was stabbed-" Connor started, looking to Hank and I now. 

I nodded, "We figured that out already."

"28 times," Connor finished, looking at me.

I felt my face heat up, "Did not know that."

Hank looked at me and smirked before turning to Connor, "Yeah, seems like the killer really had it in for him."

Connor looked at Hank, then back to the kitchen like it had figured something out. Hank walked away and I followed, giving Connor a second to think. We were talking about my siblings when Connor walked back up to us.

"Lieutenant, Detective, I think I've figured out what happened."

I raised an eyebrow, "Tell us."

Connor maintained eye contact with Hank, "It all started in the kitchen." The android walked off, letting Hank and I follow it.

"There's obvious signs of a struggle. The question is, what exactly happened here?" Hank looked at the android, who was still trying to maintain eye contact with Hank when it needed to.

I knew Hank was testing Connor, and quite frankly it pissed me off. Connor could probably take our jobs in a heart beat, especially mine. Why bother testing the damn thing?

"I think the victim attacked the android with the bat," Connor looked back on the scene. 

"That lines up with the evidence," Hank sounded surprised almost, "Go on." 

Connor walked closer to the scene, and Hank moved out of its way, "The android stabbed the victim," Connor pointed limply at the empty knife spot on the wall.

"So the android was trying to defend itself right?" Hank asked as Connor looked over the crime scene. Connor nodded. "Okay, then what happened?"

"The victim fled to the living room."

The trail led us to the attic eventually, where Connor found the poor thing. It looked so scared when I came up to arrest it. I looked to my temporary colleague as the android was put into the back of a cop car. 

"I'm assuming we have to go and interrogate it now Hank?" I asked.

Hank nodded, climbing into his car.

Connor looked at me with a tilted head, "You look exhausted detective, would you like me to drive your car while you get a short nap?"

"I'm good, thank you," I growled, pushing past Connor to climb into my car. It seemed to look at me for another minute before climbing into Hank's car. They followed me to the station.

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