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The next day, Jimin was on his way to the lockers before he went to the first class. Combing his hazel hair with his small fingers, Jimin pulled out a key and noticed the slender frame of Taehyung standing beside the lockers at the same tim.

With a smile on his face, the brunette quickened his pace and greeted the boy.

"Morning Tae." He greeted joyfully with a much friendlier voice, receiving a greet in return.

"Aigoo, look how you've changed over a night." Taehyung grinned at the now blushing brunette who was rocking back and forth on his legs.

"Yesterday, you barely spoke and now your like my new best buddy."

"W-well, I was pretty shocked back then." Said Jimin sheepishly unzipping his bag.

"You know what, Jungkook wouldn't hurt a fly. He treats Jeongin the way he does because, well... I'm not sure." Taehyung scratched his head, thinking of a way to convince his new friend how harmless the redhead was.

"Come to think of it, he's quite late today. Have you seen him?"


Just then, loud mumbles and gasps started to come from a group of students by the gates as more kids drew in. Curious of the comotion, Taehyung walked over dragging Jimin with him whether or not he managed to squeeze through the the kids .

The two boys were taped shut as two expensive cars stopped by making the ravenette groan, confusing Jimin as he too was immersed into the mind blowing veiw infront of his eyes.

A shiny silver Lamborghini followed by a white one exactly identical to the latter. Groups of students and teachers stood mesmerised by the dazzling cars as the doors opened up and a woman with long brown and wavy hair wearing a peach silk dress upto her ankles climbed out along with a handsome man in an expensive suit, his features similar to that of Jungkook's, excluding the baby face.

Out of the next car, two men in black suits got out and opened the door as a familiar looking redhead hopped out with a pet carrier in his hands from the back seats which he carefully handed to one of the guards.

Through the crowd of squealing and screaming students, Jungkook stormed by Taehyung and Jimin with a stone face and an unwelcoming aura surrounding him as he gripped Jeongin by the wrist and mumbled a "follow me" harshly as he dragged the boy who had a horror-stricken face.

"Okay, nothing to see here. Go back to your classes." One of the teacher called as the crowd of murmurings and whispers of amazement lessened.

"This can't be good." Taehyung sighed.

"Huh? Why? Is he getting expelled?" Asked Jimin still looking lost.

"You still don't get it, do you? Kookie brought his parents and he's taking the Jeongin issue to a whole new level." Exclaimed Taehyung already dragging Jimin towards the school office.

"Where are we going?"

"To see what happened, duh!"

Indeed, there were two men in suits outside the doorway, and loud shouting and worried voices came from inside.

"I'm sorry, we were informed not to let anyone in." One of them said in a deep voice.

Jimin couldn't help but notice the pastel coloured pet carrier in one of the men's grasp.

"Did he bring his pet too?" He asked Taehyung who nodded with a sheepish grin making Jimin chuckle.

Jungkook really is a baby, but why was he so threatening and scary yesterday?

BEHIND THE SMILE [JIMIN FF] (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora