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A/N I rewrote this chapter so please read again! If you saw the previous one I'm sorry you guys!

          I was still shaking but, I was calmed a bit from Issac. I slid off his lap but he kept his arm around me. I kept my face blank and showed no sign of my pain. With all my twitching they just assumed I was uncomfortable with all the people around me. Everyone had taken their seats to eat with their families. Family...*sigh*. I looked at Kyle, my only true blood family... well almost but- "Hey you okay Leelee?" Kyle's voice cut off my thoughts. I knew I felt like crying but, I refused for even tears to show up in my eyes. I need a cigarette very badly. I shook my head no and drew to fingers to my lips to represent a smoke. He mouthed 'sorry' and I just shrugged. 

           I felt it first, it wasn't from with drawls. It was the burn near my toes, the siren of my head,  banshee type yell in my head. My eyes glazed over as my neck was full of electric shocks my fingers twitched. "Rouges." I breathed out. Issac stared at me before his eyes glazed over and he ran, Kyle and Gavin followed. Shay and Leila just sat frozen almost. 

            "Why didn't you go with them?" Shay asked.


              She gave me a quizzical look. "Why didn't you go with Gavin?" Finally she got it. I wasn't going to mess with his head while in a fight. I don't hate the guy, he's my mate, I don't want him to get hurt... Even though he's hurting me from taking my cigarettes. *sigh again*. 

                "How did you know Liam before?" Leila asked.

              "We were from the same pack, the dude was my best friend." 

               "What's your full name?" Shay questioned.

               "Ice Leila Da-"

                "Wait your middle name is my name! That's so cool!" I just nodded my head, she pouted. I guess she was hoping for a smile. There was a whimper from the back of the mind.

                  "Mate hurt." My wolf whined. I bolted like hell to the forest. My wolf just guided me. There I saw him Kyle and Gavin were still fighting though. Half of his side was scratched letting blood drip out. My growl caused everyone, even the rouges to stop.

                   "SHIFT! NOW!" The rouges shifted first, then Gavin, and finally Kyle. The rouges included, One buff man, one omega girl, and a boy, obviously the omega's brother. Another growl flooded the forest, torn from my lips. "Who did that to him?" Nobody answered my cold lowered tone. "I. SAID. WHO?!?" The Omega girl raised her head throwing a silver knife. It whizzed past my face into the tree behind me. "Big mistake hun."

             I saw the man was about to bolt I glared and he immediately still. "Kyle, tie him to the tree. And mind link a pack doctor for Issac. Gavin snap the boy's neck." I spoke with not a trace of feeling. The girl screamed in outrage. I lunged for her,while Issac was spitting blood. I grabbed her by her hair and fastened her down to the tree next to the one the man was being tied to. She was quickly strapped by her arms to the tree, were she hung. I walked by Kyle and wrapped the rope around the man's neck. He was choked and died. That only left the girl. "Name." She shook her head defiantly. Fine. I took the whip from my boots I put in there earlier.

              I snapped my wrist hearing the satisfying tear of flesh. I pulled the lash back. I swung again. "Sabrine, my names Sabrine." I threw the whip forward a few more times.

           "Don't *whip* Hurt *whip* My *whip* Pack *whip*. And *whip* Don't *whip* Hurt *whip* My *whip* Mate *whip*." I flung the whip watching it coil around her neck. While she gagged and clawed for breath. I tore off the back of her shirt and carved a large 'S'.

             "Nobody hurts my family." Then I turned and walked out the forest.

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