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     "Because he's my mate." I said quickly before Issac could speak. My voice held no emotion as usual.

        "FINALLY YOU FOUND YOUR MATE!" Jason cheered. I may have been slightly offended. Jason's mate, Luna Alex works as a doctor for the pack and keeps telling me I need a mate. She had a miscarriage and doesn't know if she will be able to have children so, they wanted me to be the Alpha. Alex is dying for me to get a mate."Alex will be so happy!" As if on cue Luna Alex came in the room.

        "YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?!?" Oh dear lord...my poor ears. I just nodded. "Who?" I pointed to Issac and Alex smiled. "Looks like we'll both be Lunas!" She cheered. Issac smiled and my heart warmed just a bit.My lips twitched up. "He's quite looker." My lips stopped twitching and I made sure to remove emotion off my face.

        Issac laughed and smiled widely. My lips smiled on their own accord and everyone gasped. My smile dropped again."Y-You s-sm-smiled!" She accused in a shaky voice. "You smiled." Alex said stronger. I remained blank. Wow... one hour and he got me to smile. That's not good. I mean I don't like being numb but, I don't have a choice. It's either that or guilt and I can barely live with that for a day. That's why I have scars across my body.

        "When are we leaving?" I spoke. My voice didn't falter and my eyes showed nothing.

        Issac looked up at Jason and Alex. "Tonight."  I nodded and stood up.

       "I'll go pack." I was about to walk out the door but Alex stopped me. She hugged me. I hugged back. She gasped but, didn't question it...afraid that I'd stop. She reluctantly let go. "Oh... Kyle, I never stopped searching." I said.

         "I didn't either. " He spoke. Realization dawned upon Jason.

         "Kyle?!? Dude! I didn't even recognize you!" Jason was our older friend. I remember going to school with his younger brother, Liam.  Liam went to his mate's pack since she was also an Alpha child and would reject him if she had to leave her family. I stood up for Liam against a rouge three times older and stronger than my little seven year old self. Jason found out what I did and we've always been close.

          While they caught up Issac came up to me. "Want help packing? "

         I shook my head, pecked his cheek, and went to the door. Before it shut I heard Luna Alex. "You're good for her."

          I went upstairs to my bedroom and took a shower. I had four hours til we leave. My dull blonde hair was coated in a sheer level of melted snow that had started falling earlier this morning. Dirt and grime clung to my body. I scrubbed my skin under the ice cold shower. I like cold showers.... I'm weird I know.

          I brushed through my straight, thin hair and placed on my silver grey beanie. I put on a wool dull light blue sweater with the words "Stone Cold" written in black. I added black skinny jeans. I braided parts of my hair. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. One of my tattoos peaked out from the back of my neck and another from my collar. I have thirteen tattoos. I have a blue dream catcher on the back of my neck, a trouble cleft one my neck by my collar, a pair of vampire fangs on my left ankle, a thing of silver chains wrapped from my right knees up to my upper thigh, a diamond back rattle snake from my left elbow to my left shoulder, I have a map  with the initials K.A.D (Kyle Alexander Davids) on my left inner thigh, a bloody dagger on my right side right on top of where my waist band should be (it's supposed to represent my first kill but, it could be seen as for the Blood Dagger Pack), I have a full moon over a lake on my right shoulder,  A cigarette on my upper right arm, a bottle of Jack Daniels  in between my shoulder blades, and the name Tommy on my inner right ring finger. 

                 Tommy was my little brother. I blamed myself for his death even though it wasn't my fault. I quickly packed my things and put them by the front door. I took out my cigarettes and smoked. I enjoyed the comforting burn at the back of my throat. I threw the butt on the ground and stomped out the embers.  I made my way to the backyard and Issac came up to me and peck my cheek. "Hi." He said .

                   "Hi." I replied. My cheek still held little shocks from where his lips were.

            "You smell like cigarettes." He frowned.

            "Because I smoke." I said. My voice was cold and clipped, warning him about what he says next.

               "Can I see your pack?"I shrugged and handed it to him. Little did I know about what he'd do next. He walked over to the trash can and threw them in.

            "OH HELL NO!"

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