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     "Dear my darling Ice,

I see you've found your mate. A strong one too. Sucks he's in the hospital. I'll wait for him to heal before I come to collect you as promised before.  Don't make any decisions your father wouldn't approve of.

     Oh! How could I forget? Tell your brother I said hi! We don't want another Tommy incident to happen after all. Best wishes my canary.

With Care,

     -  S"

        Something in my chest constricted.  Whatever heart I had just crumbled. Behind the note was a pack of cigarettes taped on.  I shiver at the temptation,  my pain overbearing any thought of what Issac would want. I took out the cigarette and just held it to my lips. I of course didn't have a lighter so I just sat there wallowing.

       I felt Issac begin to worry through the mind link. I knew he could help me but he would get hurt. Funny, I used to laugh at situations where the girl should have just told the guy she was having problems but I can't laugh this time. Now I know why they didn't,  why they refused to share anything on it, even if it meant having to separate from the guy.

        I let Issac feel my remorse before closing off the link with him.  I feel my body twist and shudder. I feel the pack link screaming at me for some help or guidance as to what is happening. I feel the cold sweeping across my body,  the sadness instantly chilled and extinguished along with joy or guilt. Then I couldn't feel. I was numbed by the searing anger burning up the care and even the love I had felt just a while ago. I was once again, Ice.

          I just sat there, numb, staring at the sky. I refused to try and think. I don't know how long I was there but, eventually Kyle found me, Issac in tow. I raised my eyes to both of them, a silent dare lingering into theirs. Of course I felt a little sting and a whimpering wolf but she stopped. It's as if she realized what had to be done. She loves our mate and she'll do anything to protect him.

          "You should go back to bed," My voice was smooth and eerie.  Issac looked taken aback and Kyle was utterly surprised, shaking his head, and repeating no under his breath. Issac just looked at me. His eye stared into mine seeing the frost build in them. I wanted to cave but I didn't. 

         I got up and turned towards the house. I got to the door and saw the boys still standing there freaking out. Kyle picked up the box of cigarettes,  and Issac found the note. Whoops, well now there's no point in trying to hide that from him. I still have to be Ice. I refuse to feel the same pain I felt when I lost my family. I'm not going to go through that again. Issac shifted and ran towards me to nuzzle his head in my side and nudge me to pet him, to show him I still care.

         The problem is I can't.  I'm frozen. I'm stone cold. I'm ice.
      Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I know I haven't been able to write in a while but, tada! There might be some more chapter coming up... And poor Issac!
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