Chapter 16

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Arjun POV

I felt awful for spoiling the friendship between me and Anjali. But, I had to tell her. Our friendship is not meant to be just friendship all my life. I know she is suffering with something. Something is bothering her, forbidding her from accepting me. But, I cannot know unless she opens up to me!!! 

I called Siddharth, "Siddharth, I am Arjun. I need to talk to you. In person," I asked him. I know he is the only one close to her.  

"Urmm, Are you sure its me you want to talk to?" he asked me,chuckling. "Yeah, but it is about Anjali," I said and he asked me about the whereabouts.

"Today 1 in the afternoon. I will come meet you in your office," I said and he was fine with it. He probably know everything happened last night.

"Heyy Siddharth!!" I greeted him entering his office. 

"Hi Arjun! You know just Sid is fine!!" he said back. We both were silent after that. I didn't know how to start and he seemed to thinking of reasons for my immediate meet up. Finally I decided to break the silence, 

"Sid, I think by now Anjali would have told you everything," I said and he nodded approving it. "Look, I am not playing around with her. I truly love her," I said. 

"I know Arjun. I know you are not fooling around with her. I knew it the moment you got her back home safe after spending a night with her," Sid said. "But I guess she thinks different," I said worried.

"Trust me dude, she got her own problems. Her life was difficult and that is the reason for her to behave like this," Sid said and I became interested because that is why I came to meet him today.

"I want you to tell me, Sid. Tell me what is the past she is talking about? Tell me what is stopping her from me? Why she said all those thing she said yesterday?" I asked him, truly concerned.

"That I cannot tell you Arjun. It is her secret and I promised her it will be safe with me. Even though you are a good man, I cannot betray her trust. You have to ask her and if she is comfortable, she will tell you. Don't force her into anything," Sid said.

I was disappointed that he is not telling me anything. And I could not do anything about it. "Okay then. I will ask her if I ever met her again. Thanks Sid," I said and got ready to leave.

"Arjun, if you ever get together with her, just take care of her. I am not just her friend but more like a brother. The only two men she trusted after his father and brother was you and me. Just don't do anything to hurt her," he asked me, literally warned me.

"I would never do that. Not at any cost." I said and left. I was dying inside to know the reason. Why is she not telling me? What is that important that happened in her life for her to say she can never be happy again? I was slowly dying thinking of all the possibilities.

Anjali POV

He drained the last bit happiness from my life. My mood was so foul that I started shouting for no reasons, to everyone!!! I decided to go and spend time with the boys in the home to avoid hurting my employees. I stopped in front of the home. The board displayed the name of the home, 'Happy Home'. I named it as I wanted all the boys in the home to be happy always. There are many homes for women but not many for guys. I wanted to create some changes in the society which now have more thieves than professionals, more rapist than businessmen, more drug addicts than educated people, more bad than good.

Adult cannot be changed, Youngsters are a lot more easier to guide. I knew I could not change the whole society but I wanted to start the spark. A little effort from my side did more than I imagined. I am happy that I made a change in at least hundred peoples' life. I know an society free from bad is impossible, but I will still try, even if I end up dying of trying.

Taking care of the boys made me happier than anything. I was happier when a boy thank me changing their life compared to securing a billion dollar deal. Meeting them always gave me the peace that I was dying to get. Even if it didn't make me forget the whole pain of my life, it gave a temporary solution. In that home, 50 percent is teenage boys, from 12 to 20 years old. Almost 30 percent is kids and the balance 20 was between 21 until 25. We don't let the boys stay in the home after they turn 25 to remind them to be independent. They could not depend on us all their life.

Some boys will leave early and contribute a part of their salary to the home, which I appreciate. I have never expected them to repay me, its their thoughts that count. I wont take a single penny from their money. 

"Reena, how is it going? Did the boys had their dinner?" I asked her, entering the diner hall. I noticed the boys were there but, no food were served to them.

"No Ms.Anjali, one of the sponsor called in the evening and said he would like to buy dinner for the boys. He have done that a few times before, so I agreed. But, today its late," she said.

"Have done that before, how come I never know? What is his name?" I asked shocked.

"Mr.Arjun it is. I thought I didn't had to inform you. I am sorry for not informing you earlier about it," she said and I became silent. 

"I think I should leave now. Just confirm with me after the boys eat," I said and turned to leave. I want to avoid Arjun. I don't want to make his or my life miserable.

"I didn't expect you will hate me so much to the point you don't want to see my face," I heard his sad voice from behind. 

"Mr.Arjun" I heard Reena greeting him. "Its not that I hate you Arjun. I just don't want to hurt you by showing my face," I said calmly.

"You hurt when you avoid me Anjali. I have been calling you since yesterday. Why are not answering Anjali. Don't tell you don't want to hurt me. Please," he said with a painful face. "Anjali please, I want to talk to you. I really want to talk you," he said in a pleading tone.

Thank you for reading.

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