Chapter 15

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"But I want to be more than that to you," he said. He kneeled in front of me with me sitting at the edge of bed. 

He hold my hand in his and said, "Anjali, I liked you very much. When I saw your indifferent attitude towards me, when I saw you helping people in need, when I saw you being so strong despite all the trouble you have. When I saw you manage a whole company at this young age. The more I spend time with you, the more I fell for you. And I could not accept another man verbally abusing you. That's when I understood that I love you. Yes Anjali, I love you. I wanted to give you more time but I could not control myself," I was speechless when he told that and my mouth went dry.

"No no no!!!" I wanted to shout but it came more like whisper. I have never felt this special before. Each and every word did something in me!! 

"Arjun, you cant do this please!!! Tell me you are joking!!! I thought you as my friend only. Please don't ruin that!!!" I said crying. 

"No Anjali. Even I don't want to ruin that but what I said was the truth. I am not going to lie telling it was a lie!!" he said. And "I hate you"I whispered and ran to my bathroom, locking myself. 

"Anjali please don't hate me. I love you and I always will. Give me a chance to prove myself. Please Anjali. Please!!!" I heard him say. 

"No Arjun!!! NO!!!! You don't know me, you don't know my life. You don't know my past. You only know me for like one month and you say you are in love with me?" I shouted on top of my lungs.

"Arjun, try to understand. I am not meant for you. I can never be happy. My past with haunt me all my life. Don't make it hard for me and yourself. Please go!!!" I said when I heard nothing from him.

"Anjali, I don't want to go!!! I want to stay, stay with you forever!!! I want to get married to you. I want to have children with you. I want to grow old with you. You make me happy Anjali and now I want to make you happy!!! I don't care about how long I know you," he said.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!! I was a bad daughter, bad sister. And I will be a bad wife, bad mother. I don't want to repeat all my mistakes. Please Arjun!!! Leave once and for all," I said.

I waited for him to continue arguing with me, but he left. I heard he slammed my room door hard showing his anger. But it is good. I want him to leave and never to meet him again so that he will move on. I don't want to give him false hope. I don't want to hurt him by living with him with my past. I felt sorry for breaking his heart like that. 

In this four years, many have asked me to marry them even if they know I am engaged. And I have rejected them all without feeling bad. But, I guess Arjun is different. I felt truly bad and guilty for rejecting him. Maybe if I wasn't so stuck up in my past, I would have say yes to him straight away. Is this love? I don't know. But I know I am not in a position to think about it.

"Anjali, Are you okay?" Sid asked me as soon as he enters. I called him over when it was too difficult for me to handle all this emotions alone. I hugged him tight and cried as soon as I saw him. He let me cry my heart out before asking me any question. 

"Anjali, What happened?" he asked me after confirming there was no tears left in my eyes. I told him everything that happened. From Raghav confronting me till Arjun left slamming the door. Sid made me lie down to his lap and slowly caressed my hair.

"Anjali, you know Arjun is the best for you. You love him Anjali. If not you would not have felt bad for breaking his heart. You suffered the same as he suffered when you said no. Why don't you move on? Its been four years since that happened. Are you going to let that incident affect your suppose-to-be perfect life? Its time you get marry and settle down in life Anjali," Sid said. I just stared at him. 

"Sid, even after knowing all that happened in my life, you are asking me to get married? You know I can't do that. I would never be able to forget what happen. Even if I try, my past wont let me!!" I said controlling my tears. 

"You don't have to forget it, you just have to learn to live with it. Unless you want to destroy your life by marrying that good for nothing Raghav," he said and I stay silent. 

"If Arjun knows what I did four years ago, he would not see me the same again. He would hate me!!!" I cried.

"You are not Arjun!! How would you know how he will feeling after knowing it? Try him. Plus its not that you did it willingly. You had no choice!! It was not your mistake,"he said trying to convince me. 

"Not my mistake? Killing my own brother is not my mistake? I saw him dying in front of my eyes, Sid!!!! Just forget it Sid. I just wanted peace. That's why I called you. If you want to keep talking about it, then you can leave!!!" I said. 

"Okay fine, I wont talk about it. You sleep now. You don't look well!" he said caressing my hair and slowly, but lately sleep engulfed me.

The next morning I woke up to the sun sine brightly through the window. I saw a note 'Don't worry about anything. Have your breakfast. Call me if anything. You know I am always here for you right? Love you.' It was a note from Siddharth. 

That's so sweet of him. I think about everything that happened last night. My life was getting better before last night and now its back to how it used to be. Sad and dreadful. I left for the office after having breakfast. I called Sid to inform that I was fine. I wasn't interested doing anything. I guess its going to be a long day.

And yeah. That is a new chapter and thank you for reading guys. Thank you for showing your support. I felt truly happy when someone appreciate what I am doing. I am happy that at least someone likes my work. Love you all.

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