"Sarge!" I called standing up and turning towards him as he and the rest of the team came over. "This number look familiar to you?" I asked holding the phone up for them to see.

"It's the drivers." Olinsksy said after reading the number. "The widow must've lied." He said receiving mods of agreement from everyone else.


"Alright, let's go through this again." I sighed walking back and forth infront of Clare who was sitting at the table opposite in the interrogation room.

"I've told you everything already." She Ssaid looking between me and Jay.

"Yeah, I don't think you have," I said taking a seat next to Jay who was sat opposite Clare. "How do you explain the fact that your husband was making calls to gang members? Just this morning aswell." I asked leaning back on my chair.

"You wanna know what I think?" Jay said nudging me, me nodding at him. "I think that it used to be a bit of weed, maybe some coke, then you got greedy and started bringing guns over, sound about right to you?" He said looking away from Clare to me.

"Okay, listen, I had no idea what was in the trunk, I swear, I told him I was going to go shopping but I met up with an old friend." She said leaning forwards and resting her elbows on the table. "An old boyfriend, I even meant him five hundred dollars." She said tapping her finger on the table a couple of times. "My husband was supposed to meet up with his nephew, oh god Mikey doesn't even know." She groaned putting her face in her hands.

"Does Mikey have a last name?" I asked leaning forwards, placing my hand on her wrist pulling them away from her face slightly, enough for her to nod.

"Mikey Ganz, he's our drivers nephew and the main man of a crew that brings in and sells millions of dollars worth of guns and drugs." Jay informed us as he put a picture up on the board. "If we can get to this guy, we can get these bullets off the streets." He said pointing at the picture.

"Alright, Al, Ruzek, you're up." Voight said nodding at the two. "The rest of us will be close by, be ready to move if anything happens."


"So, tell me why you've been so happy today." Erin said as she put the binoculars down, we were currently sat in the car watching as Al and Adam waited for this Ganz guy and the guns.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking away from her and out of my window, trying to look inconspicuous.

"You know exactly what I mean, ever since this morning you've had more of a skip in your step." She said leaning against her window and facing me, sighing I moved to face her the same way.

"Okay, Jay kissed me." I told her quietly, a slow grin forming on her face.

"How was it?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively, at the same time Voight's voice came through the coms.

"Here he is, get ready." Focusing back on the job at hand I grabbed the binoculars and watched as Ganz walked over to Al and Adams car before telling Al that he wants him to go with him alone, which of course he did with no hesitation, leaving Adam standing at the car as they drove away. "Follow them." Voight's voice came through once more and we was off, following the car until it pulled up at a warehouse half a mile down the road.

As Ganz shows Al the guns and the bullets I could almost sense that something wasn't quite right. And as always I was right, shots started firing as we all stormed into the building taking down the gang members, Al would have been shot by Ganz himself if it wasn't for Adam running over and firing just a millisecond before Ganz had.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now