1: Past and The Present (Rewritten!)

Start from the beginning

Then there were the eight temples. Each one large enough to house fully grown dragons, and their twin sibling. Seven of these temples were set at exact distances from one another, on the outer edge of the Eliatrope village. They were placed so that if lines were drawn between them, it would resemble a seven pointed star.

The eighth temple was built at the very center of village. The Eliatrope houses surrounded the center temple, and spiraled outwards, but kept within the borders of the seven other temples.

By the time that we landed in the center of the village, my stomach was in knots. It had been a very long time since my dragon sister and I had set foot in the village. Curious Eliatropes had come out of their houses at the soft sound of my sister's wing beats (despite the late hour), and stared at us with wide, elated eyes. Whispers of our names began to spread throughout the village; a low murmur that was steadily growing in volume.

A calm, warm feeling washed over me suddenly, and I relaxed as I realized my sister was trying to comfort me through our shared mental link. Grateful for her reassurance, I sent her a thankful feeling in return. My dragon sibling hummed at me in acceptance as I called upon my magic, and the noise seemed to vibrate the very air around me.

A bright, blue light appeared before me as I effortlessly opened a travel gate. It was a portal, which allowed me enter, then reappear wherever I had set the exit portal. This was a magic that was granted to all the Eliatrope people, by the Goddess Eliatrope, our mother. And creating a simple warp portal, was just the beginning of what we Eliatrope have discovered that our magic can accomplish.

After I stepped through my portal, I reappeared in front of my sister (who was crouched like a giant cat), and looked up at the temple of the center of the village. The Conversing Temple it was named, as it was mainly used for gatherings of the Eliatropes or meetings for the Eliatrope Council. A council that I was now ready to become a part of.

The last time that I stood before the large doors to the Temple of Conversing, I was only a child. An older Eliatrope who was also a twin to a dragon brother (Mina and Phaeris), had volunteered to help me start my journey. Until that very day, I- and two other Eliatrope children who had twin dragon siblings- had spent every day being taught a little bit of every art that the Eliatrope knew. Construction, healing, reading, farming, inventing, experimenting, defending and so much more.

From it all, I had decided on which one I enjoyed the most and wished to peruse for the rest of my life. And on that day, Mina and Phaeris took me out of the Eliatrope village for the very first time. They would help me until they were confidant in my and Tehanu's abilities to survive without them, then return to the village to continue on with their own chosen roles.

Now, I am full grown. And my sister and I have learnt all that we could from our travels across the globe. So it was time that we came back to the village, ready to add to the Eliatrope knowledge and make the lives of our people better for it.

A small crowd of curious Eliatropes had already gathered around us, in the small time that Tehanu and I have landed. Excited smiles, and happy greetings met my ears, prompting a semi-nervous smile from me.

Unlike the Seven, none of these Eliatropes had (or would have) a dragon sibling. They did not need to leave the village to learn their life trade, as I did. As the other six had. Even though they all descended from Mina and Chibi, they had shorter lifespans. Therefore these Eliatropes stayed in the village for most of their lives. Though, most left to find life partners in the few other species that occupied our world. Then they'd return, either alone or with their chosen, and live the rest of their lives protected by us- the Seven- surrounded by their children and grandchildren. Eventually, whenever I choose my life partner, my own children will join Mina and Chibi's descendants in the village. They will pass on long before me but leave behind children of their own. A bittersweet fate.

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