Spending Time with a Queen and Shido's Containment

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(At Home)
Shido was laying on his bed, extremely exhausted and immense pain in his crotch from extreme overuse. Tokha did not lie when she said she would thoroughly ravish him. The other spirits kept the AST distracted while Tokha "milked him dry" for three hours. The worst part was the fact she decided enough was enough and "spared" him when he begged her to stop, knowing in reality Ellen trained him to last an entire night. If Tokha was this intense in rough sex, he's terrified of what certain time spirit has in store. That's when he heard a knock on the door.

?????: Are you alright my servant, you're normally up by now.

Shido: I'm fine, just tired and thirsty from yesterday.

Tokha came in with a glass of water.

Tokha: Drink.

Shido gulped the entire thing down in three seconds. Tokha smiled, finding her servant's way of drinking quite cute.

Shido: I thought I was the servant.

Tokha: You still are, but we're lovers before queen and servant. It's obvious forcing you to serve me in this state would be cruel.

Shido: So what are we doing in the long run? How are things going to change?

Tokha: When you reach your adulthood, we shall become husband and wife, and my consort in turn. And if it ever becomes possible... we'll return to my home realm.

Shido: Would that even be safe?

Tokha: Despite our extremely powerful abilities, spirits require everything humans need to survive. My realm, though hard to transverse for a human, is perfectly safe for human habitation.

Shido: Tokha... what your asking is too extreme. I'd never see my friends again. Human friends.

Tokha: A person like you can find new friends. You are the only reason I even discovered I had emotions. I couldn't lose you. A person like me can't find anyone to love other than you. You are the my good side. The brightest light mixes well with the most hopeless of darkness.

Shido: Tokha...

Tokha: I am a cruel woman. I could slaughter an entire race and feel no remorse. Every last positive part of me is aimed at you. If it meant annihilating reality itself to be with you, I would gladly do it. I'm a monster Shido, to everyone but you.

Shido: You are not a monster. You may not be your other self, but you're not a monster. If you are one, you're the most kind and beautiful monster this realm has. I don't deserve a girl like you.

Tokha: S-Shido...

Shido: You still care for the others. If you were irredeemable, you would have destroyed everything and made me a slave. My opinion is not changing, you are not a monster, you are an angel in purple. My sweet, beautiful angel in purple.

Tokha was a blushing mess at this point and was wrapped in a hug by Shido.

Tokha: Shido... You're too good at evoking my emotions. Please do this only when we're alone, I need to save face. This side is only for you to see.

Shido: You're cute when you're embarrassed.

Tokha: C-Cute?! I will be revered as beautiful or gorgeous. Cute would implying me as weak or non threatening. You will refer to me as beautiful.

Shido: So picky... cutie.

Tokha clenched her fists with frustration before getting an intimidating smirk.

Tokha: I see... you wished to be ravished again. This time, I won't stop until you literally can't produce anymore seed.

Shido: Please don't!

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