Day 10

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(With Tokha)
Tokha: Where in the nine circles of hell is he?!

Tokha was mad, no beyond mad. She was FURIOUS! She had her two knights, Kaguya and Yuzuru, search for the boy for over a week... and covered the entire planet! Yet not even a sign of his presence. Every spirit, thanks to their awakening, can sense their respective elements. Yoshinon could sense ice and what ever it touches. Yuzuru could sense any form of electricity, meaning she not only can interface the internet, but even read another person's senses. Kaguya can sense air and whoever is breathing it. Miku can sense any form of sounds. All this caused the spirits insomnia temporarily until they could readjust and the detection range was about a thousand miles. Things became even more infuriating when all the spirits inversed and had changed personalities. Yuzuru became as emotional as Kaguya on three bottles of wine, while Kaguya was completely emotionless on the outside, and her actions were completely logic based unless it regards Shido, in which case her body still shows no emotion. Miku went through a one day depression and came back a whole new person.

Miku: Shut the fuck up!

Miku: Shut the fuck up!

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Tokha: You dar-

Miku: Yes, I do bitch!

Yoshinon: Stop this!

Yuzuru: Stop this! I don't want my friends to fight!

Kaguya: Demand. Quit it.

Tokha: You will shut that trampy mouth! I am Tokha Yatogami, princess of-

Miku: Idiotic Bullshit! You blow up if he pets a little puppy!

Yoshinon chuckled at that, Kaguya nodded in agreement, Yuzuru was still trying to stop the fight.

Tokha: Do you want to get hurt?

Miku: Oh, my apologies. Your threat screams pathetic so much I can't hear it!

Tokha: Very well...

She drew her sword.

Miku: You wanna go slut!? Fine, I'll fuck Shido on your grave!

Miku's guitar began glowing a lethal red.

Tokha: He would never take such a vulgar woman.

Miku: Who said anything about him taking me? That sweet little virgin boy will be the one taken. He'll be my bitch when I'm finished with him. He'll have a sole new purpose to love me and give me children. I'll share him with no one else!

Yoshinon: What is with everyone wanting to make Shido a slave?! He's his own human being!

Tokha: You're correct, but a human being too naive for this world.

Miku: That boy would be manipulated by every other woman. Ones that may not be fitting wives.

Tokha: You're beyond reason. I hope Shido will forgive your death.

Shido's FrustrationWhere stories live. Discover now