Chaos and Highschool Crusade

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(With Shido)
Shido was currently getting ready for his first date with the spirits... with Tokha to be precise. Right after he put his shirt on, he heard a knock.

????: My servant, are you ready to depart?

Shido: Yes, I'm ready.

He then opened the door.

Shido: That's a new look

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Shido: That's a new look. Not a bad one.

Tokha: You give me too much credit dear, I merely wanted to shed that childish aura of naivety and appear as a woman instead of a girl.

Shido: I kind of liked that...

Tokha: I understand this new dynamic for the relationship is confusing, but I am NOT that child. After our court night, we are going to what they call a love hotel.

Shido tried to speak, but was silenced by a finger to his lips.

Tokha: Do not worry. I've thought this through and you are the one I desire as a consort. Unlike your kind, us spirits can control if we get pregnant should we ever bed a man.

Shido: Do you want breakfast first?

Tokha: That would be desirable.


Tokha; It's so good!

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Tokha; It's so good!

Tokha realized Shido was watching and quickly recomposed herself.

Tokha: I am quite pleased with your cooking. Such skills are required of a royal servant.

Shido: I guess you are just like your other self in a few ways.

That's when a wild Yoshino appeared, even more changed than last time.

That's when a wild Yoshino appeared, even more changed than last time

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Shido's FrustrationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora