"It was certainly amusing, to say the least." Valentine thought back on the novel. "The main character was a little irritating at first but she manages to mature along the way."

"So..." Blaze trailed off expectantly.

"It was good." Valentine rolled her eyes and Blaze let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, I'm glad you like them." Liam smiled.

"Been enjoying your pretty comb?" Draco had to smirk at that.

"Yes, actually." Liam's face blushed pink and she smile become strained. "Thank you for bringing that up."

"My brains wicked." Said Blaze. "The one in the jar, I mean."

"Let's see if you can manage a passing grade with two brains at your disposal." Draco sniggered.

"Ha, ha, you're hilarious," Blaze grumbled.

-----Pretending To Hate-----

Leah had been ready to climb out the window once they started pulling into the Hogsmeade Station. She was basically vibrating with excitement, entire body shaking in a way Valentine knew just couldn't be healthy. And so, she was the first off the train, leaping down on to the platform.

"I have returned! Now! Where's my Olivia!"

"And so, it truly begins." Blaze gave a heavy sigh as the rest of them stood and started out of the compartment.

"You could always try not teasing her." Liam laughed. "I think it might make your life a little more peaceful."

"None of your blasphemy, man! Or I shall have you burned at the stake!"

Liam laughed again.

They stepped down on to the platform where Leah was looking around frantically for Olivia.

She blinked owlishly up at Hagrid.

"You're not Olivia."

"Um." The half-giant blinked back down at her.

"It's almost time for dinner, idiot." Said Blaze. "That's where she'd be."

"Awe!" Leah stamped one foot. "But I want my Olivia now!"

Despite all Leah's whining, it would not get her to the girl she wanted any faster. And so they started the journey up the castle, Leah pouting the entire way.

The second they stepped into the Great Hall, Leah seemed to spot Olivia instantly and was squeezing her tightly in a bone-crushing hug.

"I miss you so much!"

"I...missed...you...to...but I...can't..." Olivia wheezed.

"You're killing her," Liam said casually as he sat.

"Huh?" Leah blinked and then looked down at Olivia's face that was quickly turning purple. "Oh! Sorry!"

She quickly jerked away and Olivia started to cough, waving one hand around to dismiss her apology before she could even get a proper breath back into her lungs.

"Well, I saw that one coming." Draco scoffed under his breath just loud enough for Valentine to hear.

Olivia smiled honestly as she regained control of her airways.

"Welcome back."

-----Pretending To Hate-----

"Do you truly believe that a being as powerful as Voldemort would be complacent with his current position?"

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora