A Camping Trip with a Strange Encounter

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July 11, 2015 

A group of four friends decided to go on a camping trip. They all lived in Atlanta Georgia and the trip was being hosted by Randy Foster. Randy was a park ranger for a nature park in Atlanta. The friends who joined him were Chad Berg, Louis O'Donnell, and Larry Decker. The four of them have been camping for many years. They had set up their tents and prepared the campsite. "I'm glad to have you join me this year on another camping trip," Randy mentioned as he stepped out of his tent.

"Yeah, this beats spending the weekend with my nagging wife." Larry Decker ranted. 

"Nothing beats spending time in the great outdoors fellas. We have the whole weekend to ourselves so let us make the best out of this trip." Chad Berg added. 

Randy was glad to spend time with his long-time friends. Louis O'Donnel was his childhood friend. He had met Chad in college and met Larry Decker on his job. Larry and Chad are experienced hunters. They brought their rifles and pistols with them.

"I never go camping without my guns, Randy. You never know what's out there in them woods." Chad mentioned while loading his hunting rifle.

"Don't tell me you believe them encounter stories about Big Foot? Come on man you should know most of them encounters are a hoax." Randy admitted.

Louis had laughed at them. "For real, there's no such thing as Big Foot or creatures of the night. It's all make-believe and urban legends. Randy and I have been camping for 12 years and never we encounter any strange beings in the woods." Louis mentioned.

"Well, boys, there's a first time for everything and it would be wise to be on guard," Larry added.

The men begin playing some music and Larry had brought a portable grill. The men started barbequing sausage, pork chops, and chicken. Randy had also brought a few cases of beer for them to drink. It was about 8 pm and the night was just starting. The men were enjoying the nightlife in the woods.

"Woohoo, this is the best man! We should camp every other month." Louis O'Donnell cheered while drinking a can of beer.

Randy Foster was grilling him some hamburger patties on his portable grill. Chad was sitting down in his chair and watching his surroundings. "Hey, Chad you should relax man, ain't nothing out there but the normal wildlife."

"I know you're used to being in the woods Randy but I can't afford to take any chances. If anything comes at us, I'll shoot first and ask questions later." Chad Berg mentioned while checking his surroundings.

Larry Decker was dressed in his hunter gear. "I might go hunting later on tonight. I'm ready to face any creature in these woods. Don't worry Chad I got your back buddy."

"I appreciate that Larry. Randy and Louis are too laid back. They need to be prepared for the worst." Chad stated.

Randy and Louis murmured to him. "That's your damn problem Chad, you too fucking negative! The whole point of this trip is to escape the negativity of the city." Louis O'Donnell ranted. 

"You better shut your Irish ass up before I shut it for you. You lucky you're Randy's friend." Chad acknowledged.

"Hahaha, bring it on Texas boy! Just because you're from Texas doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. An Irishman will beat a Texas cowboy in a fistfight any day. The O'Donnells come from a long line of pugilists. So don't underestimate me, boy." Larry mentioned while getting in a fighting stance.

"Hey, boys chill out! We're here to have a good time and fighting each other is the last thing that should be on your minds. Let's just change the subject guys." Randy ordered them.

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