" Miles Spelling ?" I exclaim when I pass by him.

Believe it or not , that's an actual surname !

I act like I saw him suddenly and like I wasn't looking at him for the last few minutes recalling the past .

"Isabella Winston ??" He says and smiles at me

' He smiled !! '
I would have said so if this would have happened in middle school
but now I was like ,
he at least remembers me , good enough !

" It's good to see you " I say

" What? I can't hear you?" He yells and leans closer

" I said it's nice to meet you"

" You too , by the way where's your boyfriend ?"

" My boyfriend?"

" Royal?"

" He's not my boyfriend "

" So you guys haven't passed the best friend stage yet?"

I nod .

" Let's dance ?" I ask and change the subject

Please say 'no' , I dont want to dance right now , especially when my back's paining!

" Sure " he says and holds my hand .

We walk to the stage where in my friends are already dancing their heart out .

Great , just great !

His one hand is on my shoulder and the other on my back , but instead of feeling good or whatever , I feel kinda hesitant .

" Miles! " A girl says

" Yaa babe " he turns towards her and kisses her on her cheeks

" Isabella this is my girlfriend Lucy, and Lucy , this is my old friend Isabella"

" Hi " She says

" Hey "

" Would you excuse us ?", she asks politely

" Yaa " I say

Looking at her , she doesn't look more than 15 , I wondered what he meant by old friend?
As in 'old friend' or 'old' friend ?

I decided to relax for a while so I sat at the counter and ordered a lemonade for myself while checking my Instagram feed .

It's official , I'm a loner .

Actually not , I already met my old friends and after that everyone got busy with themselves .

I complemented Royal's look . He was looking really very  h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e ! He thanked me , but didn't say anything about how I looked .

I wasn't expecting anything extra ordinary but ' you look nice' would have sufficed .

I open the unread messages , one is from Lucy where in she sent me a pic asking how does she look .

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