road down memory lane

Start from the beginning

"Hey Shinsou, thanks for the save." He tries to keep his voice light, despite the pain he's in.

Silence follows his words, although, he's sure Shinsou heard him, if the shift in the tension in his shoulders indicates anything.

"Can I have some aspirin please" He tries again. His attempt this time, is thankfully, answered.

"You sure you don't want an X-ray instead? Maybe a psych eval?" The teen hisses out in response. His voice gruff and tone angry.

In fact, he's never heard his friend this angry before.

"It's not like I wanted to get injured or anything..." Izuku can't help but mutter under his breath. His words are heard nonetheless.

"Are you that stupid or just crazy?" Before Izuku can even think of a response, the teen begins shouting. "You litteraly threw yourself at it! Do you want to die that badly! Is that it? Do you want to just throw your life away? For what? For me!?" The intensity in his words hit Izuku harder than the Nomu's punches. Shinsou's breath hitches like he's crying. It makes his heart clench and stomach curl in on itself. "Because if you're just going to kill yourself for me, I don't want it! I don't need this! Do you know how worried I was? How scared I was when I found you in that alley?! I thought you were DEAD! Do you even know what that's like?! To stand there and watch as someone you care about sacrifices themself?!" The teen seems to realize what he said after a second. The tension in his body breaks and he seems to slump in on himself. As if broken by a spell, the anger in his voice is gone. Replaced by a low murmur. "I- Izuku, I'm sorry- I didn't mean- y-your mom- I-I'm-"

"Nah, you're right. I wasn't thinking. I just- I couldn't watch someone I cared about get hurt. I couldn't let that happen. " The not again is left unsaid but is heard loud and clear. "I'm sorry too."

"Here, I'll bring you some aspirin, just don't move. Your injuries aren't healed yet." Shinsou gets up to bring the pills and just like that, they're back to an easy-going atmosphere. Neither of them keen on staying mad at each other. Especially after everything they've been through.

Shinsou gets back a few moments later with a glass of water and a couple of pills.

Izuku doesn't waste time in dawning the medicine down. His stomach growls and he can feel the heat reaching his face.

"Ah, figures you'd be hungry. You've been asleep for three days, after all." Shinsou chuckles lowly. "I'm going to go buy some stuff from the store 'round the corner. You need to get some supplies here dude."

Once again, he's left alone.

After what seems like an eternity, but couldn't be more than five minutes, he decides to try his luck and try to reach for the cup of water across the table.

However, as soon as he gets up, a striking pain erupts in his head. His entire world spins around him and darkens as he tries to make sense of his surroundings somehow.

Everything is louder, more pronounced. As if the word's sensations have all been intensified and put on full range. He feels the bandages around his wounded ribs scrape against his skin. The feeling amplified and agonizingly painful. Every shift of the fabric feels like he's being dragged across a rough concrete floor.

His ears ring with a booming sound. It thumbs against his head rhythmically. He vaguely registers that he's hearing his own heartbeat as if on stereo.

His hands shake and he unceremoniously drops the cup onto the floor. He braces himself for the inevitable cacophony of shattering glass. The tormenting shriek that follows. Yet, it never comes.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now