Kenichi: Somebody, help me!!

Koetsuji: This one is called, roasted squid dance!

Kenichi: It's not like the name makes it easier!!!

Y/N was watching from the sidelines while drinking some water calmly

Y/N: Keep going, if you stop you will get burned

Kenichi: That doesn't help either!

The training went on as Kenichi was basically being tortured by the masters and even thrown inside of the house by one of Apachai's punches, he was now with Y/N inside as he was drawing some circles with white chalk on the ground.

Kenichi: What are we doing today?

Y/N: We will train your footwork with a special training. Now step into the circle, put only one foot inside each circle and when you start moving you can't step outside the circles. Let me give you an example

Y/N then moved swiftly throughout the circles without stepping out of them and was in front of Kenichi in only a few seconds.

Y/N: Like that. Now try it yourself. You should remember Takeda's moves when you fought him. Since he's a boxer he has pretty good footwork. This training will also be the starting point of the fire kata

Kenichi:Okay! Here I go!

Y/N then moved to the other side of the room, Kenichi moved the same way Y/N did or at least tried to and stopped in front of him

Kenichi: How was that?

Y/N: Completely wrong.

Kenichi: What?!

Y/N pointed to the circles and Kenichi Saw that most of them were slightly erased from the ground.

Y/N: You had too many wasted movements, and also you had both feet on the ground, right? You need to always have one foot on the air.

Kenichi: But how am I supposed to fight with one foot on the air?

Y/N: It's kinda complicated, I know. Let's treat this training as a game, that way you'll probably get it faster. Think of this training as a game of Tag

Y/N and Kenichi stood each on one side of the room, each foot inside a circle.

Y/N: Remember, keep your feet inside the circles and one foot always on the air, Ready?

Kenichi: Yeah, completely Ready! At this distance he shouldn't be able to catch me, I might have a good chance!

Y/N then gave the signal to start, Kenichi tried to move first but Y/N was suddenly in front of him and tapped his chest.

Y/N: One point for me, next round!

Kenichi and Y/N kept doing the footwork training until Kenichi was on the ground panting and sweating.

Y/N: That should be enough for today, you lost ninety times. BUT, your wasted movements decreased a lot.

Kenichi glanced at the circles and saw that he had less erased circles than when he started, meaning that the training was actually working.

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